
As a man I would be far more likely to stop a violent crime in progress than step in when a guy is just being obnoxious towards a woman. My friends aren't the type of people to go over the line so thats never been an issue, though.

Just becase you're frightened of having to face other men don't impute that to the rest of us.

Well stubbornness can be attractive too if it's stubbornness about the right things. Keep in mind I basically didn't seriously date until I hit 30 so I am an extreme outlier when it comes to romantic relationships and none of my teen beliefs or experiences should be interpreted as a normative or aspirational view but

It seems to be an attempt to invoke a sense of honor and chivalry. If it works, then use it, then debate the ethics of linguistic hierarchical dominance structures when everyone is safely away from the situation.

During the time period I was playing a female playing D&D would have almost certainly exhibited characteristics that I am attracted to; smart, courageous, imaginative, independent, and willing to go against intense social pressure of junior high school. This was me as a young teen. By university and older I had

It is completely okay for women to take on these roles, and it is disgraceful when men in those environments treat them as anything but equals. I firmly believe that in an ideal society both environments should average out to 50-50 men/women. Thats why I'm calling out the SAH mothers who treat SAH fathers like

How amusing. I went with the law school debt track rather than the home ownership in my lifetime trap.

The one constant in these accounts by stay at home dads is the disgraceful behavior by stay at home moms towards them. Being a stay at home dad therefore seems more isolating than being a atay at home mom and that might be why men are averse to it.

Why on earth do you all seem to believe that advertising is about getting people to buy what they already want? What a bizarre criticism of advertisements.

Reagan, Dole, and McCain all had their ages used against them.

The dems also made Dole's age an issue and he had no real health problems.

She's not too old, but I think it is definitely something you can legitimately take into account. Reagan was criticized for being too old to be an effctive president and umm...he kind of was.

As the former fat boy (and it lasted well after high school for me) I sympathize, but I don't know if that was a geek thing. I was both fat and a geek and while the weight made me romantically invisible to 95% of the girls I came into contact with, the geek part cut off the other 5%. My point was simply it's simply

No girl played D&D with us, and I would have likely fallen for one who did. In high school I was attracted to the shy, nerdy types and most geeks I knew did the same.

Agreed, but let's make that a universal principle. I have frequently seen on Jezebel posters who excuse their own behavior and beliefs based on their experiences as a teenager, or "socialization" by society.

If you've fulfilled the credit requirements for a PhD can't you just pay the school's matriculation fee (which is typically low) why you finish your disertation?


I agree legitimate political refugees (and maybe extreme economic refugees) should not be held to that kind of requirement, but I guess I am the only person here who does not think it is unreasonable to require people who want to move here permanenly to acquire basic English. I say that as someone who is strongly

That doesn't really follow.