
You might not be able to sue in state court but you can sue in tribal court. E.g.:

Who on earth told them they couldn't sue?

I wish I knew more women who looked like Ellen Page.

I am just saying determining consent is tricky when it comes to mutual inebriation. No, it wasn't code for a false accusation; in my hypothetical both parties could be charged under the law for rape/sexual assault.

Actually that is exactly the kind of advice given by a lot of black parents in segregated areas for most of the 20th century"

They started that early BECAUSE it's a middle-class suburban town.

The problem is when both participants are drunk, neither can give consent; who do you prosecute? What if the one who initiated it regrets it, but the other doesn't?

I can understand not taking Catelynn's advice, not sure about the show but in the books she had incrdibly poor judgment, particularly in political matters.

Agreed; bookish brunette with glasses is my ideal, but I am not going to turn down an extroverted blonde in a black cocktail dress either.

Has to be satire, at least that part where "to lock a guy down" she has to be fashionably dressed. Fom a guy's perspective, we don't care if Kate Upton is wearing a $10,000 dress or a burlap sack with head- and arm-holes cut out, she's still Kate Upton. That's why no guy buys the movie plotline where the girl only

There's actually a law against giving 16 year olds jobs where they walk up and down a catwalk?

It is definitely something men do have to learn. Plenty of friendly, smiling men get stuck in their careers because they are not perceived as competent or aggressive enough.

I thought climbing the hierarchy WAS winning. You want to be liked by everyone while you do it?

Dating does suck.

When approaching women in a dating situation? Confident but not cocky, aggressive but not too aggressive, nice but not too nice, masculine but not macho, etc.

Wait, isn't the receptionist the one person in the office who you can legitimately expect to ge friendly aspart of his or her job?

I am a guy in the same situation and I think a lot of it is, sadly, people in relationships tend to get an "I got mine, now eworld is great for everyone."

Because parents have traditionally had the authority to make their children's medical decisions? If you can make an argument that in this case that rule should be modified, fine, there are legitimate arguments to make in support of that, but it is certainly an issue to be debated, and not something that is so obviousy

That link disproves your asertion. It says women are making 77% of what men are making, and it is not corrected for field, hours worked, etc. It does cite a paper to support its argument that women make less than men in the same position, but when I look up THAT paper it says women make 93% of what men make in the

Huh? 20%? Where on earth did you get that number?