
Who exactly are you associating with? I don't know any men who are like that, and the only people I have ever personally witnessed refering to men as "pussies" for showing feelings were actually the women dating them.

Thank you, I agree and you put that quite eloquently.

There is no "system"; there never has been. Instead there are countless individual people, events, and relationships interacting with each other in countless interactions. Many of these interactions disadvantage women, statistically. A smaller amount disadvantage men. You can't make a single change to a "system"

Shouldn't be THAT hard, alcohol is pretty standard; if you know the type and alcohol content you pretty much know the rest of the info.

After one date? You would really be comfortable with that?

Ther has been fascinating behavioral psychology research, confirmed by fast food executives, that when you put healthier food in the menu people go LESS healthy than they would if the healthy options were not already there.

Yeah, it's weird. When I started a PhD program I was overweight but I think that helped me, since I was invisible to 95% of women in romantic terms so was able to focus on my studies instead of wasting time on sex or dating...

Martin likes exploding fantasy cliches. Marry the woman you want instead of the one who's politically expedient? In Martin's world that kind of stupidity has consequences.

It is pretty,much beyond dispute that human behavior has a genetic component; it would strain the bonds of sanity to then argue that this genetic component was never a subject of evolutionary pressure. A lot of evolutionary biology can't be replicated; that doesn't mean it's not a science.

Why there is a lot of bad evolutionary psychology theory used in support of idiot ideologies, the basic theory that human behavior is based heavily on natural selection pressure is not particularly out there.

Or good news...

Solution: Call police. Have police explain to bodyguards property line. If problems subsequently slam bodyguards against police car, cuff them.

I had trouble with him because the dude looks like he's 16 years old. I hope they go with someone a bit more mature next time.

Speaking as a guy I would find most of the answers on this thread kind of stinging. "I don't feel comfortable giving out my number to people I don't know" or "I'm kind of seeing someone right now" are probably the best.

They don't really care if they make you feel safe, they are more concerned with making themselves feel safe.

I refuse to fantasize about having sex with a woman on the street without first fantasizing about going out on several dates with her first and gettingn to know her personalty first. I also make sure to fantasize using bir control; don't want any fantasy babies.

Then say make families "feel" more secure. The issue here is the food supply IS secure but people don't internalize that.

Simply comparing median salaries of men vs. women without correcting for hours worked and field chosen is intellectually dishonest.

Because that wouldn't solve the problem described here?