
I lost my little dog two months ago. She went everywhere with me and was always with me. I still cry every time I think of her. Since she passed, I've done what you're discussing and have really been giving my other dog (ostensibly my daughter's dog) a lot more attention. And since I've been paying more attention to

Congrats! I'm really happy for you.

I'm missing the joke here, aren't I?

It's always amusing when people find out exactly how free their "free speech" really is.

Back in the good old days we fed a bunch of hogs out of date ice cream from the local creamery. They ended up tasting normally delicious. This is just further proof people are stupid.

I appreciate your praise, but it carries the exact same weight as all the rest of these comments.

Please don't tell me what emotions I am experiencing.

The ten year old served me these this morning. You can keep your nasty old waffles, Pinkham, I shall be enjoying my made from scratch smiley pancakes.

Get off my lawn!!!

Or, I suppose you could just clip one of these to your backpack.

So; don't shake hands. I'm guessing you won't seem any odder than you do already, Miss Manners.

I would suggest upping the dose on your OCD meds.

Let it go.

I haven't thought of that word since 1985.

The Alienist by Caleb Carr.

I would do me.

I was you 11 years ago. The shock lasted until I saw my daughter for the first time. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me, except maybe her little sister.

Buy a notebook.

Truthfully, I'm beginning to wonder the same thing. Don't tell Pinkham, but he is consistently one of my favorite writers and I'm thinking he should be seeing a wider audience. I say this in spite if the fact he has the taste and good sense of a seven-year-old.

You're just another empty headed dupe of the Marxist-Leninist-Trotskyite burger-flipping cabal.