
I’ve seen similar reports from owners online. The reports of horrendous maintenance costs seem a little exaggerated (at least to the extent that the running costs are any worse than other 15 year old BMWs), but mine also appears to have been well maintained. In the next month or two I’m planning on doing new pulleys,

I own a 2001 with 64k miles and I never want to let it go. It’s my baby.

Well this is an easy one. E39 M5.

mechanical chaos.gif

Cool, I was just thinking “you know, the Panamera is nice, but it’s not quite ugly or gaudy enough...”

Who’s to say I was un-tipped? :)

So... you know Christopher Nolan isn’t involved with this film, yes?

Manslaughter is a reckless act; you’re thinking of a lesser offense, called criminal negligence in some jurisdictions.

Says the one whose reply to requested evidence is “I disagree.”

Yawn. I’m done conversing with someone that requests examples and can’t be bothered to refute anything beyond “oh well I disagree.” Have a good one.

Right, which came after the White House telegraphing that they’d give up the public option. From your own link:

Haha, got it, the Civil Rights Act and multiple nationalizations of industry were incremental in nature. Good one.

Off the top of my head? TARP, the auto industry bailout, the huge amount of regulatory rule-making Obama has done in the past two years, the climate deal, the Iran deal, the 21st Amendment, the Civil Rights Act, Obama’s veto of the 2015 NDAA, Ledbetter, ARRA, and of course the biggest examples of non-incremental

Oh absolutely. I fully agree that a candidate’s gender/race/etc can be A relevant factor, and even as a Sanders supporter I’d be happy to vote for Clinton in the general, and I recognize the mere fact of having someone other than a white male as President is a worthwhile achievement.

I’m not talking about such a drastic change, though I believe it would be a positive (and probably unachievable) one.

Very true.

Can you prove that? The public option was never negotiated or even proposed by the White House.

Hang in there. Somebody’s got to get it right in the Fifth... might as well be you!

Merits do indeed have to be considered in the context of the possible. When you give up on a key facet of what you want right out of the gate, without taking any effort, you yourself have just defined “the context of the possible.”

Fourth Circuit 4 Lyfe — Technically Correct 4 Lyfe