
you got it duder

looks like you should investigate some nicer words to use, dude!!!

i don’t think you understand how trademark law works

The Most Correct Take

did it take you this long to figure out that yes, that is the point of my comment?

the big man is afraid of the little drunk girl

you’re obviously not a lawyer

i agree, paid civil servants responding with wildly disproportionate violence is rad as heck, i’m a good smart person

Howdy, I rushed in here to post “zero”

*pats u on the head* good, you figured it out!

good work identifying the point of my comment, you’re a quick one

it’s cool you like tesla and musk and all, but maybe the government should take that F35 budget and not hand it out to private, for-profit enterprises

i don’t think so jean

thanks man

This isn’t even a rabbit hole; this is obvious information to anyone that’s familiar with VA law. But yeah, I billed 0.1 hours to the good ol’ “correcting the criminally uninformed on the internet” file.

There is no legal distinction between a state that calls itself a “state” and one that calls itself a “commonwealth,” but again, nice try. Do you do anything but generate wrong guesses at things that other people already know? Seems like a weird shtick, but you do you I guess.

The memo discussing the Virginia Court of Appeals discussion applies to all campus police forces in Virginia and is written by the general counsel for the entire Virginia university system.

...and those campus police officers lack jurisdiction once they leave those campuses.

You keep saying this, but it’s not true

check your local laws, because in almost every jurisdiction “being outside their jurisdiction” literally means they can’t stop you