Because Money?
Because Money?
Joe Buck was offended at about 1% the level from when the G.O.A.T. Randy Moss pantomime mooned the fans at Lambeau. In that exact moment, Joe Buck would have hung Moss as an example to all other flashy brothers out there.
say it with me now: P-O-T-E-N-T-I-A-L.
Did someone say drugs? My vote is drugs.
“a dude who wouldn’t crack the Warriors starting five”
First highlight video:
This would be so delicious.
The last 3 pointer in the highlight video is so great because of how disrespectful he is to Austin Rivers. Rivers picks him up at half court, knows he is giong bombs away from 10 ft behind the 3pt line, gets a hand in his grill and it doesn’t matter. The shoulder shrug from Rivers is everything.
Great genes That_Other_Guy...
Joe Mauer is lukewarm whole milk with less attitude.
Jimmy Butler: As basic as every white girl in the Twin Cities.
No. Some of us are just addicted to gambling.
What about Good Hank?
I would love to see this “everyone knew the celtics were going to take Tatum at #1" information out there. If that were the case, then Philly would not have made the trade. Yes, everyone knew LA was taking Lonzo, but all of the “experts” had Fultz going #1.
They should have taken Laettner .
Shouldn’t have been standing there.
Why was Yelich playing so deep? It was an absolutely perfect throw from him and it still didn’t matter. Give yourself a chance to throw the runner out and extend the game. If you get burned, well, props the batter.
Hell no. A GRUDEN GRINDER(r) wouldn’t quit on his team in the middle of a season. Also, Gruden does not believe in pass rushers.
NP. Red Forman said it best: