
ooga booga cal arts style

What a devastating story.

How about adding a bit at the bottom with info for the suicide lifeline?

Love you, Alex. 

“The average person who doesn’t even care about the MCU” also doesn’t give a flying fuck about trolls on Rotten Tomatoes reviews, haha.

You seem like a fun person. 

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the people who didn’t like Ninja Theory’s DmC eityher didn’t play it, or didn’t finish it, because by the end of that game the beloved goddamn status quo everyone bitched endlessly about the game not having is completely restored. Based on it’s lackluster sales, I have to

Or the kid has a challenge to look forward to. You cant grow up thinking you are a winner at everything. 

He’s just preparing them for the professional world where art is constantly tweaked and changed to fit the projects vision. Plus I would have killed to see some of my monsters in 3 dimensions. 

You must have really hated your father if that is the first thing that came to your mind. 

Maybe I’m not understanding what you mean by “forced identity narrative” but there literally is none in the game itself. All of it is in the ancillary material. You have to seek it out. I don’t think there’s a single voice line in the game, even in the character-specific interactions, that references any of the things

I -dont- play Overwatch specifically because of the forced identity narrative

totally, only black people ever have big curly hair. Jewish people never do! 

Glenn Close is a great American actress, and it is indeed disturbing that she doesn’t have an Oscar.

I know they aren’t everybody’s cup of tea but that seems a bit hyperbolic.  

But they announced the split between non-destruction single player and destructive multiplayer more than 2 years ago, at a big E3 press conference. Is it their fault you did not listen?

This is odd, because if you recall Crackdown 3’s announcement and the first few waves of pre-release hype a few years back, you might remember that the whole thing was supposed to be built upon unprecedented environmental destruction enabled by Microsoft’s fancy cloud computing.”

Maybe your simultaneously cliché & baffling assessment of how “so many people” (specifically who?) think is part of your problem? Just a thought.

The numbers would suggest very few people think this marketing claptrap, which is made to appease the people who bankroll their marketing claptrap, is worthwhile. That’s kind

You're kind of a dick ain't cha

It’s almost as if the gaming community isn’t just one giant hivemind.  Crazy, I know.

Actually, worst case scenario is that you live in a place like Indonesia or Brazil and are at the mercy of EGS’ lack of local currency and lack of regional pricing, making you pay a large amount more for the game than if it were available on Steam. Hell, even EU players have to pay more than Americans, because only