
This article is an atrocious pile of ignorance. Not only does it demonstrate an ignorance of how Twitch works, but he felt the need to focus on a sub 20 view streamer and a zero upvotes reddit thread to support his narrative that the games sudden popularity might be damaging smaller content creators. It’s absolutely

Wow, you were such a judgmental prig on here earlier, but now here you are rolling out the “digital blackface” reaction GIFS as if they’re okay for you to use as a cis straight white male! #CancelRecognitions

Well, I’m sure everyone learned their lesson and will be more cautious about jumping on a bandwagon next time without double checking their facts.

Maybe take down your own article then AVC

“Meanwhile, The Daily Star’s story continues to be up on the paper’s site; the organization has been sued for (and settled over) libel charges a number of times over the years, but it’s still baffling that they thought they could get away with allegedly straight-up inventing an interview with one of Earth’s most

What!!!! BEST DRESSED HANDS DOWN. How was this not in the post?

Billy Porter

Love these write ups, hate how the people aren’t labeled and the descriptions are out of order. 

The original article was typical of someone trying to push their particular viewpoint than actually trying to investigate the happenings of a situation and report on it. This happens a lot on Kotaku.

Ahhhh the lets do a article before making sure it’s legit route again, especially from this Nathan Dude on OW 

“Athough we don’t yet have the full story”

So what you are saying is that you went off half cocked becuase she fit your agenda. You got the clicks and then got called out. Solid journalisting.

Man interesting that you note that “you don’t have the full story” here, when you have even more information than you did when you mounted your soapbox earlier.

Because she’s a major star who completely shat the bed on a New Year’s Eve show in a major city, and didn’t even seem to attempt to try not to. It was likely a major event for the people who paid through the nose to spend their NYE there. It’s not just an “off day,” it’s specifically and significantly unprofessional

I totally disagree I absolutely loved Bandersnatch

This is harsh, Gita. 

There’s just a rote, clichéd narrative that offers no new perspective on the world outside of its confines and usually ends in someone’s death.”

Nah. Bandersnatch was genius, and a lot of fun. My only issue is how overwhelming it is to want to see all the alternate routes, but there’s a point in the film where we are called crazy for wanting to do as such.

Are you sure you got all the endings before writing this? Cause there’s quite a lot of depth... and... there’s a real ending. Just keep digging.

Critics said bird box was bad too. That movie was fire. I'll be watching this.