
Looking past the obvious launch issues and long queues, this is easily the best WoW expansion so far.

It feels like a completely different game to me. The score is absolutely wonderful, the semi random events are great, professions don't feel like a chore, Garrisons are a wonderful addition, the storytelling is good

I know, right? "Hey guys, let's take all of the fun out of the game before it comes out and then rub it in the faces of the people who actually have to pay money for it!" Kotaku, you are the god damned worst.


"If we added fun things to it, it would be fun." While a true statement, it's not especially helpful.

Why are fans of Gone Home so fast to judge and attack those who don't like it? Just relax and let's have a civil conversation about the game and its pros and cons. Boopla stated his/her opinion. Nowhere in the post is it written that the game needed more "guns or vehicular combat or dub step". It troubles me that

Uncomfortable because it's an overrated game who's only redeeming factor is that she's gay?

Of course it was staged. Do you think anyone would wait that long to see how badly they've been defeated? This is a ragequit moment if I ever saw one. (Unless... unless you can't quit while cards are drawing? Never tried it.)

Why is there always one of you on every speedrun article? No one cares what you consider a "legit" speedrun.

Fortunately what you do or don't count is irrelevant.

"I don't know if we oversexualize the male characters."

But #fullmcintosh said it's super insanely my soggy knee because they're all the same body type and many wear tight clothing and stuff.

Now playing

I'm just going to throw this out there: Widowmaker's trailer actually shows HER ASS GROWING. (1:02)

Now playing

completely off topic but people should see this. Two things I love, Queen and Halo.

Also known as "The Best Legend of Zelda"...

Just 'cuz he gave one of your comments a thumbs up doesn't mean you are best buds.

Care to elaborate?

VLC encountered a problem with Windows

"the Alien AI was very hyped up, but if you know aliens, thats not how they move at all. they don't walk around stumping the ground. "

Which is why I'm working for the same company she did and in the region of space where she disappeared, but let's not make a big psychological thing of it.