
Did I say that Valve never does anything?

"Repeat forever" would be a good tagline for Destiny.

She had been called out so many times for cherry picking, lying and twisting facts that to even consider her a member of academia is funny.

Firefox? What is this, 2005?

A good way to snatch items.

Except that these people made surgeon simulator before goat simulator was a thing.

Ya know, now that you really show it in pictures. I guess the Xbox One is a little big.

Huh, you can have male Night Elves?

Not all of us that do these massive builds are social outcasts with unending free time. Some of us are just good at time management. I got featured on kotaku a few years ago for my massive scale house and it took me 6 months. That while being full-time employed, married with a son and run my own company. It's possible

Is there an anti-Reccomend button somewhere I can use?

A persons looking down at cosplayers is like a person criticizing dancers at a club as they themselves stand around stand around doing nothing and being boring.

I see it as the only way to experience all the games I want to play. Why limit yourself to a solitary platform and miss so many great exclusives. I have zero regrets about having all platforms as there is simply no game I can't play should the want arise. Is it cheap? No, but neither is owning a PC that can play games

I'm new to this whole "taking games super cereal" thing, and admittedly don't really know much about whatever "#gamergate" is, but didn't it happen because some fat ugly chick made a shitty game and slept around to make sure it got positive reviews? That's all I've been able to draw from the discussions on the matter


Just a nitpick about the headline, Shadow of Mordor is not "based on a movie", it's just a video game that takes place in Middle-Earth. The rest of the article clarifies licensed games, the headline is just a bit misleading.

At some point, the industry has to move forward; older platforms cannot expect support in perpetuity.

The SNES lived a decent life after the advent of the N64, but it went gentle into that good night—just as the PSX did in the wake of the release of the PS 2, and the XBox following the emergence of the XBox 360.

This is

"I am experienced and this is stupid."

So because some people who agree with what BestInSlot is saying are doing drastic, terrible things, his personal argument is invalid?

3 > New Vegas