
Seriously! Let’s recap here…

“I’m 25 and live in Brooklyn and for some reason have a forum to air my uninformed musings.”

Yeah, I found this article very, “Fuck this rich person who deserved to get run over because I think his snowplow is too big.”

Renner did seem to be using the snowcat as intended, but the question remains: Why does a movie star have an industrial piece of snow-moving equipment?

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I think it’s interesting that in both commercials there are three Chevrolets and only one Ford.

This has 1980's truck commercial vibes for days...

I see the responses here defending the cyclist, but I have to say that cyclists and those that choose to run on the road should bear some responsibility for what results. I’ll see people out running or walking pre-dawn on the road, and they are dressed in black. Do they have a death wish? Dress in black sweats, and

Sure, so why don’t you just take all of the lights off your car and rely on reflectors.  Good luck with that.  

That would be b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-d.

Driving at night without lights on, wow, they really are getting as good as the average human driver. 

People, it’s “going on the lam” not “going on the lamb”.

So damn nasty! Again, racism is still worse for sure but drinking shoe milk still horrible stuff.

At some point we’re going to need to rethink the whole gas tax anyway, since that is part of how road and bridge infrastructure is funded.

Oh boy is this opinion piece crammed full of bad takes and a fundamental dangerous misunderstanding”

Fuck the pros. This map was fun.

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The synchronicity of the start of this video is PERFECT.

I have no issue with the guy, and I am sure he is a solid dude that cares about his community. My criticism is directly aimed at the veracity and effectiveness of what he is teaching.

I was neighbors with Dale (the Commander, ha) for several years back in the day. He’s a pretty intense dude. His training for his students/employees is super rigorous. He’d have them out there doing push-ups and jumping jacks on flooded streets during wicked thunderstorms, among all other sorts of wacky shit . It was

I liked my Xbox One X. It played glossy AAA games fine.

I’m not typically a police apologist but I think that the guy was probably right to call the cops on you, and the cops were right to check you out. Someone pulling up to fill their tank and instantly falling asleep is pretty unusual (for anyone but yourself) behavior. Tired drivers are one thing, impaired drivers are