
The Melee community is full of retarded children. Their idea of competition is to exploit bugs and call it competitive gameplay, and this latest debacle doesn’t help their image. Melee isn’t even close to the same level as Street Fighter or MvC, and the fact they have to use bugs(or as they like to call it, high level

Hey man, don’t take the attacks on ya so hard. Jizzbel is a cespool, and not worth your time of day. Log off, grab a beer, go outside and chill. Don’t let these guys ruin your day.

I mean, if you’re looking at Nintendo for hardware superiority, then all I can do is laugh. They haven’t been that in years. Nintendo excels in first party software, which is the main draw to their system. It will work because its Nintendo, and that’s the point. I think it looks appealing, and I know it’ll have games

At this point, I feel like they’re programming it like that on purpose

I don’t know what game you played, but from launch I found all those things, minus the PS exclusive stuff, and had a blast.

The only reason a big stink is being thrown about it is because of the Tumblr SJW’s who love to cry about literally everything. For a society that’s trying to move past its historically poor treatment of non white people, we still sure do love making a big fucking stink over race.

Hahaha, finally, MLG is dead.

I hope they did do it on purpose, fuck mlg

It’s a fucking Game Boy Advance game that has a large demand. Old games can be popular too, it doesn’t have to be Call of Duty to be good.

good riddance to you

Shit, that was really good music. I haven’t heard The Chemical Brothers since at least 2006, this was a nice surprise.

God damn, fuck Texas.

Melee is an ancient, bug riddled game, its boggling that its still even considered competitive when everyone uses glitches and calls it skill play.

MLG? ick.

I think Destiny is a lot of people’s first mmo, judging by a lot of common reactions. Even if Bungie keeps saying its not, it totally is.

herp derp lets make a post bitching about clickbait on a blog

Moot is gone. The death of 4chan is finally upon us. I never thought I’d live to see this happen.

Yeah, I really don’t know why people are bitching, it looks like StarFox, and it looks fucking pretty to me. Then again, I also come from the golden age where how the game played and the story were more important than how many polygons the blades of grass sport.

man, everyone just wants to shit on this game. Isn’t it standard practice to deny rumors until the PR people get the go ahead to make the announcement of a delay? Besides, their backers aren’t random million dollar investers, they’re kids on the internet who donated a couple bucks each to get a new Megaman game. Of

It was badly run, but its nowhere near abuse of kickstarter. What are you, one of those gamergate idiots?