
if you do illegal drugs OFF the job, what’s to stop you from doing them ON the job?”

spoken like management. keep on licking that boot bud.

this is why we pirate

>Nintendo is buffing and nerfing characters based on Elite Smash rather than competitive tournaments.

melee is total trash and the community is as toxic as ever. but total props to this dude for shitting all over the meta of glich abuse.

fuck off with the slippery slope nonsense. yes we get you want to idolize violence against brown people because they scare you.

I mean, you're not the one paying for it, so who really cares if any is 'wasted' or not?

Jack's just...vlogging. There's no need to be upset, pew die pie and his precious channel isn't going anywhere.

no, melee is glitch ridden garbage. 

lmao you actually reported someone for teabagging, that’s sad

“Either you have enough in savings to cover the cost of replacement”

let melee die. it's nothing more than a bunch of glitch abuse and then trying to call it 'high skill play'. 


“durr he iz a crysis actur! fake news!! whelp looks like i owned those libs LOL”

ssounds like someone’s jealous.

please don’t vote.

after reading your comments, it’s clear that you’re just a jackass. the dude did something cool, and you feel the need to shit on it because “boo boo he wasted his own free time doing what he wanted instead of fulfilling my vision of what people should be doing and being productive”

The best part of the DLC was in fact the final boss of it. The 4 blight bosses were interesting in their own right, but it felt like something was missing, and it was the challenge that the last boss gave, and I really hope that Nintendo gives us more of that in future DLCs, because that fight alone was so immensely

wow, competitive smash event in the deep red? shocking.

“You want big hairy men with guns, get an XB1.”