
everyone’s been such a giant baby about the kickstarter. Infune is basically bringing us Megaman Legends, and everyone is circlejerking about the kickstarter, which as we all know isn’t the best medium for stuff. Could they be more transparent? Sure. Would I still buy into the game if its released? Of course. I’m not

Eh, it would have been far more annoying back when mats were an actual chore to obtain. I exploited this a ton, and even I think this is something they should have patched a while ago.

Its hilarious that in these videos with these glitch pros, everyone seems to scream all the time.

People seem to forget that you don't buy Nintendo consoles to play shitty CoD games all day. Nintendo has its own unique brand and approach, and the first party games they deliver are and almost always have been the top of the top quality. If you want to be a consumer whore of AAA shovelware, there are two other

Its ridiculous to think Nintendo would already have a new home console ready to pump out. The Wii U isn't a bad system by any means. Did it come out a bit too early? Yes, absolutely. But Nintendo doesn't cycle through systems like your average iPhone user would phones.

At least they're attempting something. Nintendo has odd ideas sometimes.

this is a blog after all, they don't have to stick to one thing. if you want 100% game news, stick to google.

Because god forbid we like older games compared to the 5 hour 'campaigns' and shovelware multiplayer of today's gaming, right?

I wish that they would get smart and only allow one order per customer. Fuck scalpers, nothing but scummy people looking for pure profit and little else. Jackasses to the max.


"Very few members of the staff working on Final Fantasy XIII had ever worked alongside Sakaguchi"

I don't understand why people want FFVII so bad. Sure, it was the first 3D jump the series made, but the game itself wasn't really that great. The only good thing it had going was the materia system, otherwise it felt bland. The only people who want a super HD remake are nostalgia kids, which is why they'll never do

In the future, it kind of feels like consoles might head down this path, with each console offering special perks or features to convince people to buy them. Of course, if people could play Halo on their Playstation, I don't think Xbox would really be able to stand on its own.

"I get tired of seeing people play the game different than me, so I stepped in to stop them from being different because everyone needs to conform to my shitty views"

Eh, H2 will have a bigger pop for a short while because of the anniversary, but otherwise it'll die down to just the ultra hardcore MLG 420 blaze it types, which will leave the other games to be enjoyed and played proper and well.

hurr durr title is clickbait just like every other title of any other journalistic piece in the history of ever

They'll get the banhammer pretty quick, Bungie tends to slap people silly who cheat in their games.

how old are you, 12? Online capabilities are there to increase the time people play games, because impatient children like yourself can't be bothered to play campaign because they don't have the focus. They want instant satisfaction. People like you are a blight to gaming and creativity.

Metroid does need some more rep. But the thing is, there aren't really any other reoccurring characters, since the games are focused on Samus and her adventures. Ridley is the leader of the Space Pirates, but he's a fucking dragon. He would be a broken character, and his mechanics wouldn't work at all in Smash.

I did, as recently as a month ago, and strangely found nothing about it. Now I look and find info using the same search as last time. Guess I'll just saddle on up to my local Gamestop and pick me up one of 'em for moddin' now, partner.