
I finally just watched that the other day. A bit cheesy, but its a damn good movie if I do say so. I also just love movies like this.

I'd never use it(I'm far too busy being entertained by dragging Kira around in skimpy clothes), but still pretty cool. I also dig the double XP bit.

People are talking like "oh its just how the industry is now", but this isn't that. There's something much bigger here. Bungie wouldn't let their people go like that, they're not that kind of company, nor are they hurting for cash either. I'm not one for conspiracy shit, but there's a much larger story here than

Words can also have multiple meanings. The English language is disgusting, in a beautiful sorta way.

Yeah, Other M was pretty awful. The thing here is, the heels aren't for show/going clubbing. They're fucking jet heels. Zero Suit Samus is about speed, and they're making her hit harder and faster. They haven't really taken much away from her, at this point its just now nit picking. Its not like they don't have her in

As a driver of a stick, this is totally true. Always put it in gear and pull the parking brake. It really is just kind of habit now, but its a logic that should be pushed on all drivers if they have a functional parking brake to do so.

I'm surprised it didn't collapse under the weight of his gigantic balls.

Its people like this who keep me hopeful for the future.

I'd almost rather have just one tweet with a couple of photos, than a spam of tweets with photos. I mean I'm indifferent to the change either way, but this to me sounds a bit more like cleaning up. A bit more like facebook would be removing the text limit, or adding in more social networking features. I think its safe

From a financial standpoint, this was a brilliant move by Fuckerburg, and the guys working on rift get to walk off with the kickstarter money AND a cool 2bil. From a consumer standpoint, its stupid. Facebook buying Rift makes about zero sense, except they saw the hype, and wanted to make sure they could keep making

While I am used to the 360 controller, I would more than happily shell out for these.

More than just babies would die, mind you. There's more to worry about in a total global collapse than some premature babies.

And I thought I was a loser with 58401.

My favorite one is the guy at the bottom of the ocean with an axe.

Angry birds is a pile of shit. Why do people keep praising this?

I'm just old fashioned, really. I don't see any point to using the voice commands when I have a perfectly good controller in hand.

Sounds like the Ouya became a case of "take the money and run". They definitely didn't lose anything.

I wouldn't use it. I'd feel like an idiot yelling at my Xbox to turn on when I could just instead use the perfectly functional controller.

Yeah this is an old post, but I can't not throw in my two cents.