
Explain your QQ so I can laugh at you please

Jesus made a comment. It's not like its an article dedicated to his political ideology.

While its sad, something people don't seem to realize is that unlike Xbox or Playstation, the Wii and DS online communities weren't very big, so its not like its a terrible loss, all things considered. Plus they have a much more healthy 3DS community, and a growing WiiU community, so why not focus on that? The Wii and


The worst part is that trenchcoats are getting a negative rep thanks to shits like that, while they're the warmest thing I've ever worn in winter. London Fog makes a very good trenchcoat, and it blocks the wind well enough to make me realize that the parts of me that are exposed are the only cold bits.

"qq I'm pretending that I'm not one of those people complaining that this has no place on a blog but I'm going to complain anyway and just word it nicer"

It's sad, really. It doesn't matter what your opinion on mobile games is, or whether you think they're devil spawn or the best thing to ever happen. The reality is that people are hating just to hate, or jealous of his success from ad revenue.

H2 anniversary is a stupid move. The playerbase is already split up and spread out, and on top of that, the people who really want this game are the people who can't manage to pull off the nostalgia glasses. Halo 2 was the shittiest halo, and Bungie themselves even said they didn't like it.

When half the time most of the early comments are people like you, it contributes zero to anything at all. If you've been on Gawjer sites for longer than a month, you know by now kind of how it works, and even if they post things that don't match the theme, they're still usually good reads. Plus if it really bothered

if I had a dollar for every time someone bitched about how bloggers post things that don't 100% relate to the site, I'd be a very wealthy man right now.

In b4 nintendo haters and the doom sayers

This was such a fucking cool thing to watch live, I'm really glad it got recorded. The Metroid Zero mission run after that though, Hard mode low % world record run? That was mind blowingly fantastic.

Yeah its a shame a video meant to entertain didn't provide you with a digital thesaurus of information on the PS1.

I can almost smell the melting plastic from the tumblr social justice crowd furiously typing.


You win the most useless comment award! Congratulations!

Waahhh, the title wasn't 100% specific waahhh, I'm going to be a baby and act entitled on an internet blog waahhh

Uh, you're a fuckin' idiot. Nobody holds that view of Obama except hardcore conservative asshats, who feel the need to insult the people who voted for him. Don't be a twat.

Or, he uses them both, because the WiiU is a good console.