
This is for you

Are you dumb? If you weren't busy hating, you could be able to clearly tell that this is basically like a Warioware game, not a$15 demos download.

Yes, you've said it, and I've said it, and everyone and their mother says it, but congress doesn't currently listen to us, it listens to the corporations lining their pockets, so we wont see any change there for a while. Also, why should we leave the science to less capable nations? Last I checked, Canada didn't put

if you're going to bash, then why are you still here?

You aren't very smart are you

And I don't even touch those sites. I compile news from multiple sources to get the whole story.

The first video I ever watched of his was the Mass Effect indoctrination theory, where he 'proved' Shepard was indoctrinated. Ever since watching that video(and being able to counter almost every point he made along the way) I've disliked him. But to go as far as some people here and say "get a real job" is really

If you rag on the 'selfie' thing, then you're an idiot, because you missed all the other pictures of him on that trip with George W Bush, and you're just looking for reasons to bash.

Pssst: 1.5 billion for science and human advancements is a worthy expense. Telling us to cut everything back is silly, because not everything needs to be cut back. What you should be ranting on us to do is cut military spending, not scientific endeavors.

So has anyone found a better alternative to Youtube yet?

A lot of the time too I think that its just some kids trolling the crap they call a copyright form, and there's no actual checking the legitimacy of who submitted it or anything, leading to incredibly easy abuse. Back when I was going through a more hardcore anime phase, I made one of those AMVs, put it up, and

"Halo 2's multiplayer was the most balanced"

Where is Tales of Vesperia? It's the best RPG available for the 360.

>>Calls Fallout overrated

no, it means you're a piece of shit and should find a different website.

the solution: train people to travel to mars, fix it.

Malls are serious business for you huh?

Hahaha, so because one of the most popular Zelda games was remade and updated in HD, I only want to buy remakes. Yeah sure, okay, solid argument.

plenty of people care, actually. Just because you're blinded by maddon and cod, doesn't mean its a bad system. I actually bought the wii u when the windwaker remake came out, I have no plans to buy the xbone, and I'm not having any real urge to own a ps4.

I forgot he was German until I heard this. Its also really exciting to hear his voice, what a piece of history!