
Its primary target is for kids. In the article they call it an entry level handheld, which if we want to compare that to a console idea, its like the early days of the 360, and their 3 different models you could pick.

..Except they have to fight against the Vita, which has been bombing. Nintendo absolutely dominates the handheld marketplace.

I remember hearing the "X system has no games" argument when the PS3 came out(and it was like that for a few years too), but people still went and dumped $599 on a system without games. The WiiU doesn't have a massive physical library yet, but they have a huge digital catalog of older games as well. The biggest issue

Basically, for those of us who own/ are interested in the 3DS, this model is more like for your little brother or sister. Its a lot more durable because there aren't hinges for it to snap at and break. Downside is that the screens are more susceptible to getting their shit smashed, but its more likely that they'll

"By publishing details about the phone and its features ... people that would have otherwise purchased a currently existing Apple product would wait for the next item to be released, thereby hurting overall sales and negatively [a]ffecting Apple's earnings."

And you sound like a pompous asshat. "Oh no, I can't get this app because its not available in my region? Looks like I better up an move my life to a new country so I can spend $5 whole dollars on some sub par shitty android game!" You see how stupid that sounds? You're a retard, and if people are going to be as

Steam actually has helped to stem my piracy habits, thanks to how stupidly awesome their sales can be. I've got a lot of games that I would have otherwise just downloaded, but don't need to because they're affordable and all in one convenient place. If more companies did the kind of pricing ideas steam implements,

Half agree with this. The reason the industry is having issues is because they like to put out half finished games for full price, charge assloads for on the disc "dlc", or put out shitty games in general. People making bad business decisions hurt the industry, not the amount of people who pirate. In some cases like

This is the most retarded response I've ever seen to someone making an argument against region specific things. Why in your mind does it make more sense to move to an entirely different country because he can't buy something, than to use the methods he's told us he's had to do/only options he has?

Its odd when people get upset over GTA spoilers, when the games never really had that great of a story in the first place..

You act like this is a professional news outlet. It's a blog, they can write however they want.
Plus poop germs sounds funnier.

What would be the right fix then? Just having the game give them to you? Don't be lazy.

Oh my gosh! A blog ran by people that are allowed to post articles that aren't always relating to tech, posted an article that was positive in nature, and actually does relate to tech but I'm too shortsighted to see that fact? Lets make a post stating about how this doesn't belong here because I run the internet and I

These people are expanding our knowledge, and putting out ideas that help get other people interested in science and learning. If you want to change the world, and help the starving children around the world, then you need to change governments of those countries. It doesn't do you or me any good to donate to

They have game exclusives, I'm not sure what 'killer app' the XB1 has, face mapping is the last thing I want a software giant to include in a console that relays data back to them(and whom has ties with NSA and Prism, I like privacy, thank you), voice control isn't really that cool unless you weigh 400 pounds and are

I am incredibly happy that Smooth McGroove is getting some Kotaku publicity, this guy deserves it, he's so great at what he does.

Cats. Billions of pictures of cats. They're releasing them like this because they know that if the government released them freely, they would crash the net for weeks causing chaos. The only way to keep governments in check is to release them like this, so that the world leaders know who's in charge

Denny's Twitter and Tumblr accounts have been absolutely hilarious. Whoever decided it was a good idea to let them onto those social mediums deserves a raise.

Yes, because people vote them selves entitlements, and everyone who voted Obama must be lazy and hate working. You're an idiot.

the only idiot here is you