
I'm sure that's the reason..yeah..

there's no proof that anything is being held back outside angry tourney kids saying so. Show me where they say anything of the sort.

Some people like to have visual aids like this to help understand scale. Others like maps. Then there are people like you who have no imagination.

Does everything bad that happens to New Yorkers have to have something to do with terrorism? Sheesh.

I didn't expect that, and I got a really good laugh from it. This is definitely one of the better half life jokes.

Oh, I see what you did there. I had to go over it around 3 or so times before I finally got it.

..Suddenly I have a strong desire to pick up Skyrim for PC.

No, I think you're a beautiful person. That's quite a profit if you sold all those.

Its only Melee. The only people who care about Melee are tourney-fags at this point. Sure its fun to pop in once in a while, but I can also put in Brawl and have the exact same amount of fun, if not more.

people like you are the reason why we can't have nice things. There's always that one person who gets up in arms about something that isn't as big of a deal as they're making it out to be.

First America draws a penis on Mars, now the Chinese are writing letters on the Sun.

Innovation lost? Dude, have you see what all the Xbone can do outside of that fucking group sharing shit? Seriously, people are so hung up over it, its not even funny to laugh at them anymore.

An Apple game console would be an OUYA with the Apple logo on it, and would cost you $499 more than the OUYA. No thanks.

Oh no, I understand every single thing they were doing, and they were appealing to the wrong idea. Scream that the nanny checks were good, and that killing off used games as we know them was the greatest thing since sliced bread, go for it. You're the only one basking in ignorance, and if you love tech that much, then

Have you seen the tech behind the new Xbox? Its a new console, you're just an idiot.

Dude, the sharing options are literally the EXACT SAME as if you walked up to someone and gave them your copy of a game. All Microsoft did was literally make you lazier so you didn't have to get off your ass to give someone your game. This wasn't a bunch of whiners online. I don't think you comprehend the massive

I was thinking that this was something serious, that we actually overlooked something massive and dangerous that would end up hurting Microsoft worse than they already were because of the DRM.

No, I'm a PC gamer. I just got more into it this year after building my own tower in April. There are big differences between PC and console, the only similarities are being that the games that aren't exclusive, will a lot of times be seen on PC. I play on consoles because of exclusives, and because I don't really

That might be their goal, but consumers aren't fully ready to give up their physical media, nor are they ready to allow their used games to be killed off, as the obvious backlash from everyone and their mother showed. I could tell you that if consoles switched to digital only, I'd never buy one again.