
You do realize just how many people were whining right? It wasn't like it was just a small fringe group, it was a fucking humongous backlash from the entirety of the internet, minus a couple of hardcore fanboys and people who don't care about consumer rights. Even if they took away that part, but still killed every

Honestly, that 'rape joke' thing was way overblown. They didn't make any sort of hint to rape, it was just people looking for something to hit Microsoft with again. There literally was nothing derogatory about the comment, then everyone made it into something, because there was a man and woman on stage, so therefor he

People have called me a fanboy for the PS4, when in reality, I've never owned a Sony system until they weren't relevant in the marketplace anymore. I was always very late to the playstation game; I usually just went with Nintendo or more recently, Microsoft.

I've been a fan of the 360 since it came out, and I got the

Except with league, with the exception of skins and character bundle packs, everything else can be bought with the 'ip' that you earn from playing games, so you actually don't have to spend a dime on league, and can still get all the characters, and what not for free. Its not quite the same thing.

He could be dressed up as a pumpkin. What he's wearing doesn't matter, what matters is how he answers the question. What is or isn't on top of his head has no effect on that answer.

Tripping was never a problem. What, did you have issues with Fox tripping when trying to play final destination with no items?

I did read. You called the 3DS a tumor. You're mad because we wont have a roster of a billion different characters because of the 3DS. whoopdeedoo. The DS is good for what it is, and the fact that you're insulting it because its not as powerful as a console is silly and absurd.

the problem is competitive players think they're owed something by devs, and that if the game isn't to their liking, they've been betrayed or something. I don't know why they think they're the target audience, because they sure aren't.

I never had a problem with tripping. Why is everyone so happy about it? Could you not adapt to a small change that added a bit of humor into a game?

3DS a tumor? Its a fine system. What, did yours break and you got so upset you swore to bash Nintendo's handhelds for the rest of your life?

I bet you're one of those tier kids.

Except I highly doubt that the end of used games would see more small game stores pop up, as game stores can't thrive on the sales of new games alone. To top it off, you're still stranding quite a few people without a job. I'm not being a sensationalist, I'm saying that your rabid hate for gamestop is silly. Yes we

And you do realize that its higher ups that make them do it, right? I've always had a fantastic experience in gamestops, and I've made plenty of friends with people who work at them. Your attitude is a dangerous one, putting gamestop out of business isn't good. If you want to jack off to the prospect of digital only,

Its only the future because you're bending over and letting them make it that way. If they see that they're getting massive backlash, and another company does exactly the opposite of them, and gets a standing ovation? To me, that's not saying "this is the future", that's saying that the suits who run Xbox are

consoles =/= pc. xbox is trying to change how the console has worked for 30+ years. And there's more to it than that. M$ has royally screwed up in many ways, and people who refuse to see it are their target audience for the console. Yeah its great to like what you like and whatever, but the rest of us don't want squat

Its nice to see the Nintendo hate alive and well.

God forbid people be excited for something they like.

I was expecting massive things from them, but I'm still okay with what I saw. I'm just hoping that I see news of a new Metroid(PLEASELETRETROJUSTDOTHEMFOREVER) sometime in the near future.

no, its been everyone. UStream was a shitty choice of stream today. Man, nothing is going right for anyone trying to broadcast anything from E3 this year.

You can "mod" a mac however you want, but in the end you've still payed over 2 grand for a machine that's mostly integrated tech and can't be exchanged. There's not much to do unless you're going in and re-soldering in new parts, and creating a hybrid machine.