
Truth. I payed just under 1600 USD for my new gaming rig, and it blows the current consoles out of the water, and the newly announced ones too, without even trying. But will I still shell out for a PS4? You bet your sweet bottom I will.

I wont touch it. Depending on what Sony comes out with on price/ DRM shit, I'll either pick up the PS4, or stick with my PC. I already plan to get me a WiiU when I get the extra cash to spend. Manditory Kinect, no borrowing friends games without paying for it..yeah no, anyone who is getting this thing is a sucker.

There will be the ones who are hardcore fanboys and buy the system irregardless of what failures might be surrounding it; look at Apple products. Just slap the Apple logo on it and people go absolutely ape shit for it. Sony and Nintendo's stock rose 10 fold with the Xbone reveal. Literally all Sony has to do is tell

because nobody will buy the Xbone?

They really don't want to sell any of these things, do they?

As soon as I saw Cortana's chip, I knew it was halo, but I just couldn't help but start laughing at the fact that Cheif is wandering in a desert, in a cloth cloak. Like what.

I was really excited, then they called it an exclusive. Poor move by the developer.

Well, if you've accidentally sped, then you've broken a law, and should turn yourself in. Do you even read what you're typing? You sound ridiculous trying to pump out some crazy over the top moral judgement.

Are you retarded? Its not about some fucking conspiracy theory, its the fact that the Government is very clearly violating a constitutional amendment, and those are put there for the safety of the citizens who live in the US. If they want to data mine, then they need to go through proper channels. 'Preventive'

Expertly staged retard comment and half wit attempt to troll.

And us "gamers" are the reason those companies exist in the first place. If you're obsessed with the extra shit they're throwing out to sucker regular people in, than good for you, but there are a lot more people who want games from their gaming console. If its not a gaming console, then they need to come out and say

People play video games, and its fine if they enjoy them. They're pointless and stupid; people go through so much work clocking so many hours in an artificial world to play as someone they can never dream of being. I don't know what people get out of it.

He does deserve a break from all the filming he's done, but we don't need a break from him, he's a fantastic actor.

Poor people too. I'm rather interested in not aging.

I bet you've broken laws before. Ever sped? Ever written a paper in school and didn't cite all your sources or paraphrased enough to be different from the original source? Ever borrowed a friends CD and made a copy? How about cassette tape?

A lot of people here bitching about Dylan.. but the hilarious thing is, I bet every single person who's crying about laws being broken have broke one themselves, major or not. So unless you've literally followed every single law ever written from the day you were born, stfu. Hackers are a positive force for change,

personally, I wouldn't care too much, since I would have been dead for 500 years. If you think we should stop studying history because its "unethical", then we should stop sending humans into space because its dangerous.

You must be great fun at parties.

Well, since you're so super well informed yourself, you should just point every small detail out that they get wrong!

You sound bitter.