
That building looks like its made of concrete and mostly non flammable material, so if it went up in flames, it would kill the people who stood there flabbergasted at how their fireproof building caught fire.

I'm not seeing bad reporting, and the haters are the ones who just stick around the blogs to insult the writers, aka you.

"We have no indication that the company is not planning to make its console always-online. Even today, they're making no effort to deny it."

Great fucking job Disney.

Why not bring back a system that'll let the community moderate that kind of thing? Like the star system, but re-vamped to work more efficiently?

I just started considering them half horse people.

Or, they could just stop with this online only bullshit. EA is going to take a massive hit from this one, and anyone who just says its to counter piracy is ignorant. There's far more than just preventing piracy behind why its always online.

Oh boy, another change that sucks. I really need to get around to breaking my facebook habits before they remove the 'delete facebook' option. You know it'll happen someday.

Agreed. I believe that if Minecraft had more decorative/building blocks, it could fit that area so many people are wanting to see.

That is one of the most brilliant things I've seen done with a taser.

The joke

I've been using hotmail for years, I've never once had any issue with it.

Sony is really out to kill themselves, aren't they

Biggest troll yet.


Kinect needs to not be a focal point. There are too many people like me who want nothing to do with it, and find it to be more hassle than its worth.

You're acting like I'm the only human on the planet who goes by release date. I can gladly say I'm a supporter of the big three, owning all of the current gen consoles(wii, 360, and ps3). If you're obsessed with technical details, then that's wonderful, that's your own way to explain the generations. These aren't PC

People were pretty stupid back in those days, that's how

I've seen you make that argument, and if it was by processing power, then the PS3 would have been ahead of the xbox in generation, and the wii behind. They're all current gen(7). The WiiU is next gen(8th), as well as the new Playstation and Xbox. You have your definition based on specs. The rest of us use the time one

No. Its when the console is released. If its by tech specs, then you should probably explain it to the rest of the gaming community who knows it to be by the new generation of consoles, not their tech.