Sounds like it’s going to blow up.
Sounds like it’s going to blow up.
What time is Beer Money Sign Man sorry for old racist tweets? When does Beer Money Sign Man sorry for old racist tweets begin? How can I stream Beer Money Sign Man sorry for old racist tweets
Straight Pride Parade lit as always.
Always Achewood > always highlight truthers
Goin’ which way tho?
I got the whiplash you turned my disgust to admiration so fast within the lifespan of that comment.
Huge or small if true or not true.
Deep down, I secretly believe I’m the only one of us that doesn’t believe I’m Jonny Anomaly.
Huge if true.
I’m a huge fan of Chernev’s “Logical Chess: Move by Move.” I am a poor student and this book’s approach was to annotate every. single. move. in every game, exploring new concepts with each annotation and also reinforcing previous ideas. He has a light, very digestible style that really carries the whole endeavor. A…
+1 _other_ white guy who reads The Root
Holy crap, Bukowski is in that film... (@ ~48 minute mark)
His street name is White Megamind.
“You’ll find one in every car. You’ll see.”
I’ve never seen Drew Brees or Russell Wilson or Michael Vick or Doug Flutie blast one of their offensive lineman in the back of the head while trying to throw down field.