
Best line from his Wikipedia page:

It’s an article encouraging you to watch a movie, but the way it’s written kind of relies on you having seen the movie and knowing the twist they’re writing around: Rosebud is Tyler Durden’s sled, which has been dead since the opening scene

A bit like Frailty. Is “False flag! That’s a false flag!” a headspace I really want to be in, for either entertainment or educational purpose? Not really. I’d be curious to see this again for the batty plot, but otherwise I mostly remember it as a bummer and only seems like moreso now.

You are very incorrect.

Those three TBS seasons came with a massive drop in both budget and quality.

it’s hard to deny that the ending is one hell of a gut punch

Sanders was not attacked because she was a woman, she was mocked as the propaganda minister she is. The jokes were at her position in the Trump Administration and her actions not at her being a woman.

Hi, I’m the jerk that points out that that’s not a buffalo, it’s a bison. Okay, seeya.

It really does feel like they didn’t have a full arc planned out for the season and were just shooting from the hip for quite a while there after Carl’s death. The old man Rick flashback makes no sense now. It’s like, early on, they intended to end it with Negan breaking his leg but then changed their minds. Then they

Fear has actually turned into a better show that TWD. I know all the jokes about it are the “in” thing to do these days, but for those that gave it the benefit of the doubt have been treated to a well built show.

Or how about the fact that the molotovs were thrown at Saviors walking next to the Hilltop’s giant wooden fence? Seems like a good way to destroy the Hilltop’s main fortifications...

Besides the fact we have seen people enter from that exact container before.

I’ve figured it out! We’re in the Bad Place!

Original Pirate Material was fine, but A Grand Don’t Come for Free was great

The Video Vortex, along with its much-hyped collection of rare VHS tapes, will open early next year.

If you consciously voted for a abusive white supremacist because you felt spiteful that other people said mean things about you - such as you were stupid enough to consciously vote for a abusive white supremacist - you are objectively a stupid, selfish asshole.

It can be two things!

Yes, our new corporate masters love these anti-corporate FOCs. The bread and butter of any good sell-out machine.

Supergirl and LoT and Star Wars are all good though so, I guess, keep bringing on the SJW stuff?