Is somebody else controlling your mouse, @avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus? Are they reading this right now?? Blink twice for yes.
Is somebody else controlling your mouse, @avclub-d0cf409eb912cc0cc950b41b6d892d07:disqus? Are they reading this right now?? Blink twice for yes.
Now… uh… John… eventually you do plan to have Captain America in your, in your Captain America movie, right?
Wow yeah, even after looking it up and reading this whole thread, I have *zero* memory of Richard in the first book. Weird.
It sounded like her family was threatening her with committal based on the arrest still hanging over her head. What would they have on her to make her cooperate if not that? (Also I don't think that's how arresting works.)
Mostly disappointed this didn't end with Edith heading out for her honeymoon… on the Hindenburg.
It's fun trash in pretty costumes, and I'll miss it. But I'm glad it went out on a high note. The last season was more fun than the previous several.
The whole thing with Julia and the cops was pretty baffling. Why was she arrested? Didn't the cop just say Kady's mom died of some sort of hemorrhage? There was nothing actually illegal going on. Then the cop's all "why are you crying??" Uh because she just saw someone's head start gushing blood? "There's…
The glasses I guess.
That's probably Hemsworth.
I dunno, in the age of not-Khan and not-Blofeld, I'm not buying this not-sequel claim either.
The 4th scientist was Batman, just all his scenes were cut.
I'm not much a fan of the originals, and I'm also riding pretty high off of having watched Spy recently, so this looks pretty good to me.
And also aren't all the living original cast members cameoing too?
I actually assumed that next episode preview is probably a misdirection. "It's 2 votes to 1 to fire you… but HHM gets a vote too, so we'll have to wait to see what your brother says."
My player piano!
I'd just feel bad for the poor chainsaw.
No, that would only encourage them.
Broad City Season 2, which is goddamn hilarious, duh.
Came here to see if anyone else remembered that X-Files thing. The user/comment synergy was a bonus.
Considering they already said they were joking about the original 67 figure, they're presumably also joking about bumping it up to 68, yes?