
No, this article isn’t about Charisma Carpenter. 

I actually think I like Disco better than this. The trope-y-ness of Picard is just killing me. I enjoyed this first 3 episodes, but as this one went on a voice in my head just kept getting louder and louder shouting “this is so DUMB!”


“The Perfect Gift for When Your Partner Has Committed Suicide”

No, he was referring to teaching the dog French.

it was called Vintage Flip, and it focused on tasteful, period-appropriate restorations of vintage houses

Is this another one of those Spotify exclusive podcasts? I hate this trend.

I may be too late for anyone to actually see this, but: who was that standing over Ming Na Wen’s body at the end of episode 5? Doesn’t really make sense for it to be Gideon, the way he was introduced these last 2 episodes.

It’s not ambiguous at all. Obviously Angela went on to create that famous Coca Cola ad.

He’s one of those actors who shows up as newscasters in a bunch of things. I think he also used to be or maybe still is a newscaster? Or maybe I’m thinking of John Beard.

Yeah they explicitly said it was a gun that would force him to teleport, not destroy him. He was presumably teleported to that 7K cage where Laurie is.

The preview for next week makes it look like Dr. Manhattan is wearing a Dr. Manhattan party-mask in the flashback, so I wonder if that’s how we’ll see him for all the past scenes. For the present scenes, I can see them have him just be Cal with a blue glow.

The oldest we’ve seen Veidt comes from the 1988 video he sent to future president Robert Redford. How would anyone know what he looks like now?

Eh, I kinda like old Leia as the general who was never really that into the Jedi bullshit.

I get the feeling that the cake is just an everyday affair. Dr. Manhattan created all these clones to keep him company, and was just like, “hey, humans like birthday parties, so give him a cake every day”.

Per Peteypedia, I believe, Veidt was simply declared dead after going missing some years ago, circa the time his company was bought by Trieu.

Do your first pass with the grain, then do a second pass (lightly) against the grain. Smooth, no razor burn.

But he’s got one more October to get through first.

Jesus Christ, people, those weren’t psychic visions. They were just flashbacks to that thing we saw earlier in the season where young Bonnie was drowned by her mom to teach her a lesson. It was a traumatic thing that they both experienced and defined their relationship, and they both flashed back to it.

That’s baseball, Suzyn.