Cool Breaking Bad Easter egg I noticed was the amount taken in the Fring sting was 710,000 dollars. The same amount Hank tells Walt in the Pilot episode was the most he’d ever taken in a bust.
Cool Breaking Bad Easter egg I noticed was the amount taken in the Fring sting was 710,000 dollars. The same amount Hank tells Walt in the Pilot episode was the most he’d ever taken in a bust.
If Kestra is as old as the actress playing her, she’s 14, so she was born around 2385, which would have made Deanna 49 when she had her.
Betazoids may indeed have a longer fertility period, as Lwaxana Troi was pregnant in the DS9 episode “The Muse,” taking place in 2372 when she would have presumably been in her 60s…
I still say Nacho gets a head injury, makes it to Manitoba, then heads east and ends up in Toronto, where he meets up with this English con woman who has a lot of siblings...
Okay, but what if I’m dating Natalie Dormer?
It’s got to be stressful when your granddaughter never grows past age 10.
“Bake’em away, toys”
Wiggum would have said something like “Well, there’s your problem. Someone stuffed sugar packets in the drain pipe!” then proceeds to dump a couple into his coffee.
The only worrisome note sounds when Lalo says he’s got something “much better” planned for Domingo than Nacho ensuring his silence in custody.
The plot is moving slower than really expensive kanar.
Zach has identified the weakness of this episode and the show generally, but he’s being too nice/not critical enough. While Picard is a step up from Discovery, in that it’s not downright stupid, it’s filled with lazy Hollywood cliche after cliche. Hero gets broken so the writers can build him back up and give him an…
How do forensics recreate dialogue??
Any mention of HGTV immediately makes me think of John Mulaney’s bit on real estate agents.
I’ve caught a few glimpses of Good Bones which was fun because the daughter is very easy on the eyes. That’s all I know about them. So, they’re orthopedists or something?
My favorite thing about Flip or Flop is that neither of the hosts know how to be on TV 100% of the time, but their expertise is inverted. Tarek is good in the talking head segments but sounds like he’s been lobotomized in the candid shots, and Christina acts semi-normal in a California white girl way in the candids…
Flip or Flop is the fucking worst. No matter how many of them you keep pumping out, Christina, no one gives a shit about your goddamn babies.
Definitely dystopia. HGTV is a hellscape wasteland where no one installs bookshelves. If they do have shelves, they have one carefully centered tchotchke and no books on them.
How did this finale leave more questions than answers? I thought it gave me almost all the answers I wanted.
I’ve been dismissive of Big Head as a character
Will Anthony Mackie show up as Dr. Manhattan’s secret sex partner? ...this show seems to make stranger possibilities ... er, possible!
The fake Leonard Pierce review really needs to be on here.