About 2/3rds through Buffy S7/Angel S4, which are not-great at this point, but with a few bright spots. (Connor is the goddamned worst though.)
About 2/3rds through Buffy S7/Angel S4, which are not-great at this point, but with a few bright spots. (Connor is the goddamned worst though.)
Oh you're right, I read too quickly.
The Rising Tide DLC comes with the Humble Bundle… is the expansion something different?
I'm in my first time seeing Buffy/Angel, and I actually mostly liked S6. S7 has been much more of a slog for me at times (and Angel S4 has been no help). I also liked Dawn more in S6 than before, though I agree that Xander/Anya and Willow/magic were pretty dumb. Not to mention the mostly-awful Trio, who thankfully…
If you're looking for another good Lawrence bio, "Hero" is a good one.
And do you sign national historic sites into state law?
Does this mean we'll get a Random Roles with El Chapo?
Huh. I could've swore Prison Break already had a comeback.
Don't throw away your shot.
That publicity shot up top always cracks me up, cuz I can just imagine Bob Saget narrating "and then there was that year I went through my regrettable beard-and-ascot phase…"
Oof, sorry to hear that. Sounds like you did everything you could. Don't know if I'd ever get a male cat again, the way things can just go wrong like that for no real reason.
Started Deus Ex: HR, but have only had a few hours to play it so far. Pretty fun game, but argh, those Canadian accents are driving me crazy!
Yeah I can't really sleep on my right side without it hurting right now, so when I wake up in the middle of the night to roll over it just hurts and I'm like, oh yeah.
There's a really stark divide in the Hobbit movies, where I feel like the stuff was in the books was really damn good, and all the extra stuff is barely tolerable.
I figure with 10 or so million I could pay off all my family members' debts, buy us all sensible houses, plus some nice vacation houses around the world. Leave myself enough to live comfortably, then give the rest away.
Oh yeah, and fuck me for twisting my back in a weird way while carrying a small file cabinet this weekend, cuz it still goddamn hurts. Aging blows.
Oh yeah, are they still even there? I feel like the media coverage of that has disappeared completely (thankfully).
It's been an alternate hooray/fuck this shit week in terms of cat health. One of our cats was at the emergency vet for 2 nights with a blocked urinary tract. He came home and thankfully hasn't reblocked. But it seems like the medicine constipated him and he didn't eat much, so he went back to the vet for a kitty…
Finished Making a Murderer, and pretty much agree with everybody. Avery maybe did it but was certainly at least somewhat framed, Dassey certainly didn't do anything and was barely fit to stand trial, and neither should've been convicted.
Argle thanks for reminding me I couldn't get tickets.