
I was glad I finished the main storyline (still only like 55% completion) just cuz I enjoyed the gameplay. The branding/dominate stuff you've gotta do to get to the ending makes it worthwhile.

Supposedly you have to get 100% to get the "best" ending, too? That'll be a chore, since I usually get tired of the Riddler stuff pretty quickly.

The difference, though, is that Watchman is being largely presented as something that Lee wrote and released as a sequel to Mockingbird, which is almost certainly not the case. If it had been released as what it is — an earlier draft of what eventually morphed into Mockingbird — I feel like it would have more value

Inside Out was as excellent as advertised, instantly in my top-tier of Pixar movies. Everything about it was basically perfect — the voice cast, the humor, the clever and efficient story. It was as great as the "Lava" short was terrible.

It's just raining on his face.

I long for a Thor spinoff centered on Kat Dennings and Chris O'Dowd, so they can totally rope Greer and Cannavale in too.

If you have Prime they'll supposedly have a deal later today on the PS4/Arkham Knight bundle. Looks to be the 500GB model, though.

That's also where I'm at, waiting to start the final mission. The Tower was… surprisingly easy, right?

Replace the built-in weather and maps apps with Wunderground and Google Maps.

Also this isn't even new information — we've known about the time jump for ages, and the summaries of the next several episodes are already on IMDB and the like, and presumably have been for some time.

Huh, were Holly Hunter and Kyra Sedgwick the same person this whole time and nobody noticed?

It seems like instead of Supes setting the capsule on the ground, he coulda just been helpful and, like, flung it into space?

Yessss nested scrolls on web pages are the best!

I know that's what they *think*, but in a story where *every other* contingent that went off on their own managed to improbably survive, I'm not putting a nail in the Martians' coffin just yet.

Thus a theoretical sequel which will probably cover that as well as the obviously-still-alive Martians.

Yeah overall this was definitely a book that was engineered around the cool ideas first. Anathem struck a much better balance, I thought. Still, I really liked all the futurism.

I also like that when they land, the very first thing they discuss is "so what very specific rules do we come up with for our genetic lineages?", not "can we actually not die here for like a month?"

Oh snap, no idea it died. That sucks. That was pretty much the only movie site I really read anymore.

Agreed on all counts, though I bought the seven-races thing more as it went on. I kinda felt like this shoulda been a Foundation-esque trilogy of shorter stories instead: one about escaping the Hard Rain, one about repopulating on Cleft, and one about going back to New Earth.

Where my Seveneves peeps at?