
Finished reading Neal Stephenson's Seveneves, which I mostly enjoyed. Spoiler-ish thoughts below…

I've never seen the original movie, and didn't really know anything about this series, but the fact that they're all apparently playing 16 year olds is all I needed to see.

Yes, thank you! The boss fights in that game were fantastic.

One complaint I have is I wish the book had been better at defining the time period and space technology at the beginning. Getting into and existing in space by itself is generally presented as an easy thing to do.

Yeah, it was suuuuuper Randian in the middle part. But that theme didn't carry through too much of the book, thankfully.

I've also got a fat PS3 to go along with the PS4. The PS4 isn't nearly as loud, fwiw.

My favorite part is how that YouTube video is titles "Ace Ventura - Ass Talking Scene (HD720p)". It's like the the uploader thought, "You know, there are a lot of Ace Ventura Ass-Talking Scenes here on YouTube, but I want you to know — right from the title! — that mine is of the highest of definitions."

My girlfriend always gives me shit with these games cuz she only ever sees me playing the stealthy swinging-between-gargoyles parts, which is pretty boring to watch. I joked that in Knight you'd get a Batmobile, but still be swinging between gargoyles in the car. Or, at least I thought it was a joke.

Search around and you'll find some good deals on the Arkham Knight PS4 bundle. Unless you're needing crazy hard drive space, I'd probably go for that instead of the new 1TB PS4.

I've had a fairly productive few days, so when I sat down at my desk this morning I thought "I don't feel like doing much today". So aside from answering some e-mails and other random tasks, I'm neglecting everything.

The mustache-twirling gets verrrry dumb, but it's somewhat justified by the stuff in the final third of the book.

Still reading Seveneves. Like 100 pages to go, so whoever else that was from last week, let's talk about it next week!

Leela, there's nothing wrong with anything.

Like anyone would wanna V her…

Huh, I'd never guessed that in the finale when Coulson said to Skye "ready to assemble your secret team?" that it would mean that Coulson would have Skye assemble a secret team. Spoiler alert!

Iron Galaxy supposedly did the Arkham Origins PC port too, which ran swimmingly for me (though was supposedly similarly bug-plagued at launch). Guess they fucked this one up, though.

I read a few reviews of this book complaining about the detailed scientific explanations, but compared to the (engrossing-to-me) minutiae of The Martian, it's a breeze.

Started to read that in the voiceover voice of a pharmaceutical ad as it went on.

Yeah, I was much more expecting the far-future stuff to be the core of the book, but it's actually more like the last third I think. Still, the near-future Martian-lite survival stuff is pretty compelling, pointless drama notwithstanding.

Peterman's "aaaaaand… done!" is something I regularly mimic which absolutely nobody gets.