Oh man, I love Orc slaying. While very similar in style to the Arkham games, I prefer SoM because even the side-missions involve Orc slaying, and less treasure-hunting.
Oh man, I love Orc slaying. While very similar in style to the Arkham games, I prefer SoM because even the side-missions involve Orc slaying, and less treasure-hunting.
Oof yeah anything more than like 6 ain't happening for me. I'll usually just say "I want to do 8", then give myself bailouts from 5 miles on.
You're secret's out, Diddy.
Ouch. Sympathy upvote. I got my house mid-downward trend, so I'd stand to lose a little, though I'm not underwater (I think). Got that house-buying itch, though. Been watching too much HGTV recently, I think.
I'm similarly skeptical about the movie, but it's got a hell of a pedigree, and at least the general motions of the story should be compelling. The one bit in the trailer of Matt Damon saying he's gonna "science the shit out of it" has me hopeful.
The tree?… was smoking?… spontaneously?… what?
Fitness Thread Why Not?
I've still got like 3.5 weeks vacation to use this year, so sprinkling a bunch of vacations throughout the summer. Delaware beach a couple weeks ago, Cape May next month, upstate NY after that.
Fake-crossposting this to "Fuck this shit Thread"… I was in DE a couple weeks ago and decided to stop at the Dogfish Head brewery on my way home, maybe get a growler of something good. Turned out that was the particular day they were closed for some sold-out festival, so I had to drive the rest of the way sad and…
Actually being responsible for your own household stuff is the best. (Also an endless source of anxiety.)
About halfway through Seveneves, which I'm very much enjoying. (That fiery east-cost sky last night made me think, "uh oh, Hard Rain".) All this stuff with the mustache-twirling Hillary Clinton is getting pretty tiresome, though, especially with the Randian undertones. Kinda looking forward to the time-jump to get…
While I'm not terribly worried about its chances of being picked up elsewhere, I AM worried this means Fuller will jump ship to a full-time gig with Starz's (wtf?) American Gods.
I'm just a little uncomfortable conflating a racist crazy with a gun with Al Freaking Qaeda, ya know?
Eh, call me old-fashioned, but to me a terrorist attack is something perpetrated by an organization to strike fear into an opponent for ideological reasons. If it were the KKK, yeah, that's a terrorist attack. This (and the Boston bombers, for that matter) isn't a terrorist, but a psychotic, racist loon who someone…
Maybe it does get better as it goes along, but I don't think it's invaluable to point out that the first 3 episodes aren't very good, especially if the reviewer thinks it's far inferior to the same stretch of season 1. Some people don't want to blindly spend 3 hours of their time on an unknown that they hope will get…
Eh, better interface for now, at least.
wunderground.com, baby.
Yeah, I vaguely remember seeing that and just thinking, "eh, probably just a continuity error". Shoulda stuck to my guns!
I remember watching this with my girlf, and from the very first bearded Jack scene saying "heh, maybe this is a flashforward instead", but for the rest of the episode thinking it was just another Sad-But-Unimportant Jack Flashback. So at the final reveal I chuckled, and she got angry at me for spoiling it.
He also doesn't really want his kids back.