I will never accept that it's spelling "Gini". It's Ginny, dammit!
I will never accept that it's spelling "Gini". It's Ginny, dammit!
And it's a lot harder to put baseball cards in the spokes.
Yeah, I read it more as a completely reasonable issue to have between professional actors that doesn't diminish their talent which everyone would take out of context to mean "he said she's a terrible actress!"
Jery throw up for first time in 15 years after eating brownie bater Oreo
It's probably worth nothing that Martin is not at all addressing the use of sexual violence in Game of Thrones the TV show, but rather why he's incorporated it into his books. The problem isn't with the fact that it's depicted at all in this fantasy world, but how it was depicted, in context, in the show this season.
With a dry, cool wit like that I could-
Plus, the simple pleasures of robots smashing each other were a shining fucking beacon in a wasteland of terrible summer movies back then. (Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle anybody? Didn't think so.)
Why are we walking like this?
Eh? Eh? Eh? How do you like this funny graphic accompanying the story? Eh? Eh? Eh?
[does bad impression of a guy trying to fill John Oliver's shoes for 30 seconds before moving on with the damn story]
(suspiciously identical) Must post faster.
Or that film can sometimes engage in parallel things that are thematically interlinked but not representative of action going from one place to another?
That narrative-dot-connecting requirement is something Mad Men has pretty much never done, though. If something happens, they generally show it happening.
Even having rewatched that scene, I read the smile more as contentment with himself than "ooh I have a great idea for an ad!" Also pretty sure the bell was diegetic and part of their meditation.
As stated elsewhere, I think the "person he met looks like person in the ad" argument is a bit of a stretch. But really, we saw him develop the idea in his head? Did the closed-captioning show something I missed?
Pete Campbell's plane was shot down over the Sea of Japan. There were no survivors.
I actually thought the bell was supposed to be diegetic, since one preceded the "Ommm" meditation as well.
Key words: "could have".