
A Electric CT6 type car, with Tesla comparable numbers, would be very welcome in my book. 

Torch, as late as 2000 VW wasn’t using maintenance free batteries. I topped up the water on the original battery in my 99.5 Jetta a few times, then a few times in the OE replacement.
They might have sealed batteries today, I haven’t looked under the hood of a new Jetta.

Someone probably crammed the bulb in backwards. I’ve seen this from time to time too. 

From a battery that’s 15KwH bigger!

Looks like FCA copied this from Tesla, USA spec Model Xs have the same goofy rear light strategy.

Is it ironic that the photo used for this article shows Autipilot telling the driver to touch the wheel *now* or it will stop? (The white at the top of the instrument panel)

The Audi had a wide transmission tunnel, which moves the pedals to the left. The go pedal lined up with the middle of the steering wheel... right where the right edge of the brake pedal is on a Taurus.
The Jeep XJ has the same pedal arrangement, and had the same “runaway car” problem.

You might laugh, but they did keep their notes. When VW rolled out drive by wire TDIs in 1991, the ECU had brake interlock software which disables the go pedal when the brake is pressed. 

Neutral: I had the cruise control “run away” on my 91 Mercedes. It floored the go pedal while I was on the highway. Hitting cancel didn’t stop it, but pressing the brake did. 

First gear: Tesla used a Ford go-pedal in their early cars. I haven’t taken the one out of our 3 to see if there are any markings on it.
The go pedal is also 2 hall effect sensors: It uses magnets. No contacts to get dirty and wig out.

Which, of course, is still logged...

A friend in high school had one of these. In the window where the automatic shift indicator normally lives, there was an LED labeled “Fuel Miser” or something that would flash when I thought you should shift. 

I imagine ELR tail lights will be there sooner or later. If I intend to keep the car, I might want to start hoarding parts...

How about the door pulls in 1980s Mercedes, which are comfortable, and also have a design inside which collapses in an accident, reducing injury? I’m trying to find a picture now, but the structure is made up of overlapping cylinders, to form a pyramid which the foam is injected around. The pyramid can crush in, yet

Sticker on my ‘14 would have been closer to $83k!

In driver’s ed, we were shown a video made by Ford, and it showed a manual Aerostar parallel parking!

My ELR has the identical handle / latch setup. Works well enough, and I had to use the manual release in the trunk when the 12v battery went dead one time.

For that money I want top spec. ABS, power windows, cruise control, and heated seats were options missing here. Sorry... CP.
Both my 91 and 92 ECOdiesles were that teal color. I miss them. 

I was a dedicated manual driver too. I do not miss it *at all*. I’d suggest you take one for a spin :)