Power+Long wheelbase+high front weight bias+Limited slip diff+Stability+Low traction= Tons of fun.
Long trucks like this are so easy to slide, and do so very predictably; it’s extremely fun to go out to a deserted lot after a fresh snowfall and pretend your work truck is a rally car for a few minutes. Keep it safe on the roads, of course (you will end up in a ditch if you try to get fancy, and I will shame you),…
I’m willing to bet good money that these stupid fuckers backed the car to the point where the water reached the bottom of the rear doors or higher, and and it started floating, and then it showed them the warning, and they got out while the car was floating away.
Youngish Boomer here. (Ok, not really young, but young for a Boomer.)
Maybe what he’s getting at is less “restraint” than... dirtbagishness.
It looks like rear arm is too far forward to hit the jacking point for the C8 Corvette, and it was effectively resting on sheet metal. The correct jacking points are described here:
Not likely. Parking garages, if properly constructed and maintained, can handle lots and lots of weight. If they are improperly constructed, on loose footings, and/or not regularly inspected for degradation they will inevitably fail.
Rip out the veggie oil system and you’ve got a winner. Back when restaurants were giving their oil away for free it was a no brainer, but these days you don’t get that for free, never mind the filtering, gelling/temperature issues etc. Run regular diesel and these engines will be happy forever.
There are plenty of good reasons to retrieve these pieces.
And still barely a word about the 600 some men,women and children who perished in the Mediterranean. Preliminary reports are that a Greek Navy ship attached a tow line briefly after the boat lost power- and then detached it and left. In any event, the vessel sank with hundreds of people below deck who never had a…
From what I can tell from the pictures, I think there is actually a possibility of the sub exploding instead of imploding.
The AW7x found in these is absolutely capable of just as much (i.e., moderate amounts at best) hustle as the three pedal version. The ratios are better matched in the autos, too.
I wouldn’t make the jump to assume that the show’s hosts share or endorse this guy’s beliefs, but I do find it odd that in the time they spent with him, they’d not notice the tattoos and say something to the producers. Further, it strains credulity that nobody on the crew noticed literal Nazi SS tattoos during…
You’re thinking of the W126, the successor to the W116. 116s did not have power seats (imagine that!).
The Ford Fiesta
To me the videos are proof that comprehensive state inspections are a good thing. None of the cars in those videos have Massachusetts plates and there is a reason. If I have a wheel bearing with even a little bit of wobble it’ll get an reject. Check engine light anytime in the last 100 miles? Reject. extensive rust on…
How this happened... Kid’s book version.