
Good to know. Thanks for the info!

Politics has become performance art. Politicians no longer get into public service to serve the public, but to serve themselves by collecting a nice fat paycheck. The easiest way to do that is to say as many Christian things as possible.

I'd be interested to hear if that's actually in the ANTM rules. If there's not a clause in the contract that says something akin to "you're disqualified if you're an escort", then she might actually have a case.

She's just pandering to a Christian audience. She's a performer, nothing more.

I just can't believe that these kind of apologies are still out there after Jonah Hill's apology. Does Don Lemon not want the good will and forgiveness that comes along with a real apology?

If you could point to a specific dorm or other form of student housing where people are getting raped at parties, with lots of people around not doing anything to ensure someone else's safety, then yes, I would lobby for a party ban on that dorm.

No, you read that accurately. I think you are assuming that I think that the administration should target fraternities and ONLY fraternities, which is not true. I think the evidence shows that the entire college experience has problems with rape, and that all of those areas require massive reform.

As for evidence of a reputation of rape amongst fraternities.

I'm not sure why you would assume that, but even if attempted rape occurs more often in other forms of school housing, so what? Can you shut down the entire dorm and put people out on the street? No, and that would not be okay. Like it or not, fraternities have a reputation for being wildly irresponsible douchebag

So, I'm no expert on fraternities, but I am pretty sure that they have a charter with the school. In effect, every fraternity at Johns Hopkins reports to and is governed by the administration, though they also have some kind of nationwide leadership as well. Correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm trying to remember most

Suffering? Really? People can still drink or throw their own parties. Is it really so punitive to put a moratorium on fraternity parties while they try to sort this out?

My main concern is why someone would write that letter in the first place. I understand that they are mad that they can't have a party, but a 16-year-old was raped. Shouldn't that be a campus-wide tragedy? Why are there not students setting up memorials or demanding justice? Instead, we just get a letter saying "we

It's also a wasted opportunity to change some minds on Greek Life culture. Make a stand against rape for once, you idiots.

It shows a real indifference when someone would rather get drunk than try to prevent more rape.

It feeds my narcissism and makes you feel a bit better about living on this godforsaken rock. It's a win-win all around!

Happy to oblige!

The students have a point in that the administration definitely needs to examine and refine its own response to the problem of sexual assault on college campus, but it comes off as "Hey, that's your problem not mine."

For Saira Blair:

Daniel Holtzclaw, you are an embarrassment not just to men, but to all mankind. Only the weakest person would prey on the defenseless. If there were any practical way that I could strangle you to death with my bare hands, I would. Unfortunately, the damage has been done, and nothing can fix that. My only hope is