
When people saw through the terms and realized they were ridiculous.

Hey, Ramapo. If you're going to tell women how NOT to get raped, can you at least come up with something original?

It's hard for me to choose which side of this war I'm on. On the one hand, I really really hate all this Christmas stuff going up so soon. On the other hand, I get to watch Jingle All the Way for two months straight.

"Do I think it is appropriate to have a boat named after something that artists like Mattisse admired greatly and created the image of, yes, absolutely," Foley replied.

Just trying to stay as positive about the human race as possible.

It's my fault for encouraging that blasted critical thinking!

Please take this article down before my wife reads it!

Woah woah woah! "Reproductively successful?" That's borderline eugenics right there. No thanks.

I'm sure they knew exactly what was going on, I was just using the most optimistic assumption about their intentions to show that even in the BEST case scenario, it reveals something terrible about our culture.

Really interesting that these guys on your FB feed think that "being a gentleman" = "doing something we've been told bothers women."

Add a GamerGate hashtag and you're READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!

Don't let your own wrong feelings get in the way of Rush Limbaugh and The Way Things Ought to Be.

Yeah, I'm not sure why there is any debate on that at all. Their intentions are irrelevant. It doesn't get more cut-and-dried than that.

Maybe the kids that made the T-shirt really didn't know that that phrase alludes to rape culture, but isn't that kind of worse? We're so innundated with rape culture that it's a football team's motto?

I'm not sure that these men know exactly what it is that they are saying when they dismiss a video like this as just "men being polite." In fact, that very response is exactly why feminism is needed in the first place.

I've actually already been to Afghanistan. Two tours with the Marine Corps. It was kind of hard to talk about feminism while I was burying my friends.

You made my day with your profile GIF. I haven't thought about Mitchell and Webb for a while, and I always loved Sir Digby Chicken Caesar.

It's funny, because that's pretty similar to how my wife got through to me when I had the same problem. We would encounter some kind of problem together, and I was so busy interrupting her and trying to verbally work it out that I completely missed the fact that she had already figured it out. It took A LOT of that

When they inevitably remake Blade Trinity, we'll get another Biel in the credits.