
But Some of My Best Kettles are Black.

Hey feminazis...this is about ethics in posture.

Jeez, what's with these weak interview questions?

Hmm yes, the Uncle Terry Lite school of art. Deep. Really thought provoking. Her facial expression says, "Lets all go do shots!" but her train lingerie says, "I already did shots!" I like the juxtaposition of the model with all the haterz trying to commute. Probably to their stupid ass day jobs that are not edgy at

Woops. I was mistaken. I honestly thought that you were being sincere. I DID miss the point, entirely. I apologize. I'm going to go to put my hair trigger away and go to bed.

Righhhht. And if you rape someone, you're a rapist. Despite what you think you are or what you think you feel about women.

he wasn't escorting her into HEAVEN. THAT WOULD BE AWFUL.


Cannot resist.

Yup, that cringes me. Grew up with ultra Baptist next door neighbors...

Like "where ya gonna put yer deuter ona me?"

Was she really trying to offer a bone for rent or whatever???? Gossip Girl has a lot to answer for. Or whatever trash the youngens are watching nowadays.

I am said wife. And let me tell you, there is nothing sexier than a woman raised Baptist (now Atheist as HELL) running through my vocabulary for wieners. Sometimes, I just quote Song of Solomon.

My landlord now is an amazing dude. He's really smart and tall and cool. We seem to have this totally amazing chemistry and I really have to check myself sometimes to keep from flirting with him because AWKWARD

According to a lot of trolls who live in Mom's basement, yes.

Yes because one of those woman was Janice Dickinson and she negates everyone else's statements because some people think she's slutty.

I will forever be indebted to the comedian who started this whole fire storm. Nothing makes me happier to know that Hannibal Buress called out that "pull up your pants", respectability politics, pudding pop rapist as the piece of slime he is. I only pray the hits keep coming.

They're how you find your way through the snowdrifts.

Also lady, why are waxing poetic over our prosperity? Are we forgetting that Jesus said it would be easier for a camel through the eye of the needle than a rich man to enter into heaven? Being rich and powerful on this earth were never the things Jesus had in mind as "blessings" or proof that God approves of us, but -

This kind of shit is all the argument you need against there being any type of divine justice or design in the world, everything is just a random crapshoot of crap.