
Holy shit. This is insane. It’s not even close to fucking Christmas.

Even with “” I can’t get a clear answer on if the iPhone 6s+ I got from Apple’s iPhone lease program will work on Verizon. I’m so confused. The Apple rep said while the device was unlocked, I still have to pick the model that was configured for GSM or CDMA, so it won’t. says it

Sure, Google has a shit ton of money, but why isn’t their product something that deserves compensation. Yeah you can replace it. With what? Who else will build a huge massive server farm to support it. Another large company?

Ok, sure ads were bad at one time, but we all know that there is no inherent risk in watching the 10 second youTube ad before a video. So that excuse just doesn’t work.

I know this is an old article, but if your Kombucha resemble phelgm, it’s not prepared correctly. The mother is removed before bottling.

I’ve tried this a few times, but it never actually gives me shorter routes when I’m in traffic. I get to know why I’m stuck in traffic, but that doesn’t really help me much.

No, I know his dad, they don’t know that guy.

HAHA, OMG that’s my cousin! Damn, I wanted to be the first to make it on a Gawker affiliate site.

If people you hang with think Kombucha or yoga are “new”, just start hanging out with “new” people.

I decided to finally give my unlimited plan up.

So you are surprised to see there isn’t an option for something that you think is stupid? I don’t understand?

No. The contract is purley to lease hardware from Apple. Apple doesn’t care about your provider contract, and you provider doesn’t care about this contract.

I did Apple’s lease program. If I can change providers whenever I want, I don’t get why I had to pick if my carrier was going to be GSM of CDMA when I reserved my phone.

If a plane crashes into the building across the street from my office for ANY reason, I’m not going in that day. If the building across from mine explodes for ANY reason, I’m not going in that day.

We have seriously fucked up our employees heads when they think it could be dangerous to go to work, but still do it so they don’t look bad.

Yes, the absolute worst out of that list you have is the ones that weren’t even remotely connected to it, but could have been if they randomly took a day trip the NYC on that very day.

If you were to make a chart of the time spent doing tasks by a flight attendant during a flight, serving drinks would be the highest.

Are all mug shots public? I can't seem to find mine. I've looked for hours. Maybe that county didn't post it?

That is an accurate assessment of his looks. I will say that when I see him at Wegman’s, I often think he “cute” not “hot” but definitely “cute”.

Wait, people want their money back because they didn’t like the movie? That’s crazy.