Just depends how much your time is worth I guess. It would take me an hour+ to press 7 shirts for a week. Or $7 spent at the dry cleaners. Easy choice.
Just depends how much your time is worth I guess. It would take me an hour+ to press 7 shirts for a week. Or $7 spent at the dry cleaners. Easy choice.
5 bucks per shirt? Where the hell do you live. At most I was paying 2. Now I pay 1, any ammount of shirts.
They have started slowing me down each month now. Unlimited is almost useless once I reach the cap.
Doesn't verizon have caps on data usage? If their network was so good they wouldn't need those.
Well, I live in Baltimore and have to go to a slightly ghetto area where prices are cheaper. But it's worth it.
I wear a button down almost every day of the year. It costs me $365 / year to get them cleaned and pressed. Worth every dollar.
All my wrinkle free shirts are a joke. They don't ever come out looking like they do from my dry cleaner.
I had a girlfriend that was the same way....
I'd actually like to ask your developers why they would work for a company that allowed them only 8 hours per day to do non work related tasks like sleep, eat and poop. But I agree, the mouse isn't going anywhere for me...
Mine look identical. $20 buck at Zeni Optical
I have a sony a200. Also left out of discussions, deciding what to upgrade to within the next year.
That combination won't do the things you mentioned. It won't alert me or new texts, or let me make calls, etc.
That's old school. Welcome to 2011. Per diem is now "Put up to $50 bucks per day on the company card, your boss will approve the expeneses". Use it or lose it. I've worked for 3 fortune 250 companies, none have just given me their money and said "hey, keep the change". Many of use travel weekly, they would lose a…
Basically hot food needs to be hot or in the fridge. If not, it's a breeding ground for bacteria.
I am currently employed. I rejected an offer for a decent salary job because it seemed like it was going to be too much programming, which I'm doing now and hate. They called me back and offered me the same job sans any programming requirements saying they respected that I turned them down the first time.
There is a different brand: [www.whippedlightning.com] That my friend said tastes much better, but I haven't tried it yet.
But isn't that why I pay $70, to get the free faster shipping. That's like the main selling point of prime.
I hope it's good. I didn't like the first Wii one. I love Ocarina of Time, so I don't know what that says about Zelda games I like.
I am probably the only 25 year old that went out and bought a landline. The trustly old construction house I bought appers to have cell phone signal blocking qualities.
I got this, it tasted awful. It was basically a shot of vodka in whipped cream form. I was looking for more a of a whipped cream taste with vodka in it.