@John Eusebio: awful: yes, popular: yes
@John Eusebio: awful: yes, popular: yes
I was diagnosed without trying to fake it.
@artless.dodger: I'm trying for 52 pages of non-tech related reading this year. Not even kidding. It can take me 2 years to finish one book.
@Clevererer: Unless you are a scientist talking to other scientist, when people say there are chemicals in their food, they mean that the food is unnatural.
@Goopplesoft - Reliant Robin of whitenoise: @truthtellah: lol at the discussion going on here
@rev02: I think bump would be cool if the included it by default on all phones
People's comments on this are starting to sound a lot like how people justify horoscopes.....
And like all starbucks drinks, it's bigger than you wallet too.
@AustinFound: I'm pretty sure a couple fell in love and got married because of mafia wars. Them not being on the dating scene seems good for the rest of us.
I think I saw something similar on House this season. I wouldn't touch it.
@Ricorich196: haha true. Sadly most of their plans backfire. Block gmail? Fine, I'll spend 3x the time to slowly type it out on my iPhone.
A lot of career sites are blocked at our office.
2 in the .... nevermind.
if I could keep it up all the time I would get a window mount. alas, I live in Baltimore, someone would probably break into my car within the hour if they saw the empty mount on the window.
@slickrick23: so so so so so so horible.
They should pay you to drink Kombucha. G.R.gross.
@Trickyhop: I would get defensive, but you are right.
@Trickyhop: or... maybe like me.. they have long conference calls for work and ADHD.
@gearkraft: are you for real? I have frequently wanted internet for my laptop in places that don't have wifi.
@TactakillChewy: shockingly to me many high paid people don't spend money on their appearance.