
@Oh, Ferret~: lush is just too expensive for me. I walk right past it in the mall. 8 bucks for 1 3.5 ounce bar? For real?

@Curves: I've started licking the bathroom door because of this. I was sick for a straight year, but then I haven't been sick in 10.

@Zanzan42: I don't think sim cards are what allow for simultaneous data and voice.

@J Dub: Nothing wrong with a parody, if he simply adds "not"ceostevejobs to the account and he will be in compliance with the terms and conditions he agreed to when he signed up. Pretty simple.

@J Dub: I can't think of any company that wouldn't object to someone making an account for their CEO, with no indication of a parody, and writing stuff like this.

@snownpaint1: in my experience, the temporary holding cell before being jailed didn't have TV. or toilet paper.

@aec007: Out of curiousity did you purposely spell Justin's last name wrong?

@Hami83: Gangsters, a new race?

@Hiphopopotamus: Damn, I scanned to see if anyone else already mentioned flash forward. You beat me to it.

What do you have on your cell phones that police would want? Seems like if you simply give them your phone, and have nothing bad on it, that will help prove you are innocent.

We found a phone at a festival once that belonged to a drug dealer. No doubt. 20 calls for different people in 30 minutes. Multiple texts asking for pills and how many he had left.

While I am bored of it, hence the reason I am switching programming jobs, it can be lucrative. I had enough money to buy a house and new car by 22.

Wouldn't the built in voice dial work much better. And you don't need to take your glove off to start that like you do to start this app.

When we do secret santa, and someone asks for a gift card, I want to punch them.

@(Outranger-O): what you posted actually looks wrong to, other way seemed right,

@Seventhexile Speaks: Everyone knows a terrorist can't attack when they are parched, perfect defense.

@Seven06Renault: You don't think that facebook and his work has had a tremendous impact on our society?

@dufus: It's actually a pretty easy test to get done.

@CaptainJack: fax = legal document, email is not.

Page doesn't display right in IE7: What we have to use at work and what most parents use