Communist Porn Star

I’m holding out for the female-led reboot, You Must Be Mistaken.

Nah, I’m going to keep posting it. Not only because it’s true, but because it pisses off people who think Voltaire is the end all be all when it comes to Philosophy on the idea of free speech.

It’s funny how pseudo-intellectuals (read: anti-intellectuals) on the right view themselves as actual intellectuals. The idea that being a smug dick, smirking through your racist rhetoric and wearing a suit and tie makes you an “intellectual” is laughable. Even more so when what they rely on are misrepresented facts

“I bet she’s basically a protocol droid gone rogue”.

Oh my god, I was wrong
It was Pink all along

A pearl isn’t technically a gem at all, and I think this was an early clue to the fact that Pearls are fundamentally different from other Gems (from structure to carrying capacity to the whole ugly fact that they’re a slave class.)

At least from the way Pearl emphasized that she *could* not tell Steven what happened, rather than “didn’t want to”, it seemed to suggest that Pearl, perhaps even all Pearls, are designed to be incapable of disobeying an order from their owner. Like a built-in geas, anything Rose would have asked of Pearl would be

L O friggin’ L!

Oh, and those silhouettes in “Can’t Go Back” were the most Utena silhouettes that ever silhouetted.

Ha ha, all this time the shape of the gems was one of the main sticking points in the “Rose is Pink Diamond” theory and all it took was a change in perspective. Literally.

A whole damn lot to unpack, and I want to rewatch both episodes. But at this moment I want to point out that the episode did a nice, subtle job of explaining where Pearl’s habit of wide-eyed, hands-over-mouth panic response to dangerous questions originated.

MY HOT TAKE: I thought that the original sheet cake/quietism thing was mildly dumb, and that Fey owning up to it is mildly good, and that her karmic scales are thus balanced.

Being satirical isn’t a “Get Out Of Asshole Free” card. You can understand her tone and still think that she executed it so badly she ran facefirst into Poe’s Law harder than Gus Frerotte. Instead of pretending you know the motives of everyone criticizing her, maybe you can accept that criticism isn’t censorship and

oh yeah i get it. you’re a piece of shit. hundred percent understood.

*Pbbt!* Prop comic!

“But even today they echo in our wedding traditions of fathers ‘giving away’ daughters to their husbands, held over from when fathers widely had total control over whom they could marry.”

Fuck Douthat. If he didn’t understand who he was writing about, then he should have taken a pass. Incels exist for one reason, to be made fun of and slapped into oblivion.

Classic Rock does have a huge and obvious diversity problem, but it sounds like Hyden exacerbated it by leaving out so many icons that could have at least made a dent: joan jett, freddy mercury, and the dozen or so others the review notes have been inexplicably left out.

Her propaganda or her opinion? What is different about the opinion you are presenting such that I shouldn’t call it “your propaganda?”

This is an article about the Handmaid’s Tale that analyzes its inspirations and motivations for existing. Most, if not all art/media has a purpose for existing and I hate to break it to you, but eventually it’s going to connect with the real world, which means people who analyze it for a living are going to write or