Communist Porn Star

“I met the most incredible woman!”

Dubbed Cowboy Bebop is much better.

This one right here. A good dub is infinitely better than a good sub, but a bad dub is infinitely worse than a bad sub.

Well the best YOU had some was disingenuous bullshit, so they’re still winning.

Also, fuck you.

It has.

Call it “Turns out nobody was that fond of Raymond after all”

I never called you racist.

So far i’ve just called you a piece of shit.

It’s more like a “ha ha what the fuck did you idiots at ABC think you were buying, and why the fuck didn’t you make giving the password to her twitter account part of Rosanne’s contract?”

Tambor is a piece of shit.

I just think you’re a piece of shit.

Because reactionary pieces of shit like that need to believe that everyone is just being performative or else they might have to face up to what a piece of shit they are.

Roseanne Barr is fucking repugnant.

No, but you definitely need to go fuck yourself.

Nah. Fuck you.

So should yours, dipshit.

Go fuck yourself.

Or maybe we’re calling you a piece of shit for being a giant piece of shit.

I’ll call you a disingenuous piece of shit, how’s that?