Communist Porn Star

I admit to choosing the dubbed version over subbed version of Akira.  Anime is highly visual, if you spend time reading you lose sight of the visuals.

Are these Morrissey lyrics?

Greg saw them big ole ladies and wondered if he had any quintuple XL Mr. Universe t-shirts left in the van

No, it seems more like the sort of thing thing 45 would demand for his Space Force (I can’t even type that with a straight face)

Making friends is Steven’s superpower.

yes, yes you are.  and stop it.

No one’s wasting their best work on a mediocrity like you, pal.

Hm, hard to believe a vague, inflammatory 20 word post wasn’t interpreted the way you wanted it. What’s the world coming to when you can’t vaguely allude to what you mean and have everyone agree with you?

If you take a hard enough rightwing/racist turn, anything can be forgiven. Just ask Cadet Bonespurs, who wishes you a Happy Memorial Day and would like to sell you some nifty merch!

Your attempt to deflect a problem with racism by waving your hands a bunch and saying “look at this man with a history of temper-control problems” is not working. Humans are capable of thinking more than one thing sucks at the same time. This article is about Roseanne getting what she deserves for her racist rhetoric,

The fuck are you even going on about?

Or maybe if they weren’t black and weren’t concerned with state violence against black and brown people, it never would’ve been an issue.

How did she have any career after this?

This is the stupidest thing I’ve read today, congratulations!

ABC: We’re bringing back Roseanne!

Let’s convince them to boycott Twitter.

Coming to ABC this fall, Boseanne!

So what item are far-right lunatics going to boycott and/or or smash to impotently protest this?

The horrifying triumphant rise of Roseanne followed by the almost immediate fall was so brief that it was comical.

But I was just getting ready to be outraged in the other comments section!