Nah. Fuck you.
Nah. Fuck you.
There’s nothing “woke” about trying to pull some disingenuous “gotcha” bullshit over Jeffrey Tambor, either.
How about you go fuck yourself?
Jeffrey Tambor is a piece of shit too.
Go choke on something and fall in a ditch.
Hey, look, utter disingenuous bullshit.
Dammit, I came here to make this exact joke.
More than any of the fucking drek dribbled onto the Internet by CHS or any of the other pieces of shit discussed here.
I hate that they think of themselves as intellectuals because they’re fucking anti-intellectual dipshits.
Hey look, it’s a piece of shit troll.
Yeah. He’s a piece of shit.
India didn’t build itself on black slavery for several centuries, then spend another couple centuries systematically disenfranchising its black citizens.
“I’m not right wing, I just parrot all their talking points and vocabulary and rant constantly about the left!”
White isn’t a race.
Hey look, that same piece of shit again.
Hey look, it’s a piece of shit.
Hey look, it’s that same joyless piece of shit.
Hey, look, it’s a joyless piece of shit.
Hey, look, a giant piece of shit.
That was actually one of the first arguments I make to a friend of mine before any of the backstory came out, that pearls are made by animals. I told him “I bet she’s basically a protocol droid gone rogue”.