Communist Porn Star


You should generally be ashamed of your whiteness, because it means you’ve abandoned anything interesting about your culture for the sake of taking part in American racial hegemony.

Oh, and i’d guess other gems aren’t like that “inside”. There’s a throwaway line about how Pearls are built to “look good and hold your stuff”, and since (as far as i can remember?) none of the other gems have pulled actual physical objects out of their gem that weren’t their weapons, it might just be Pearls that have

I am impossibly annoyed that the one theory i thought was utterly absurd was the one that turned out was right.

Hilariously one of the musicians is wearing a shirt on Rebbeca Sugar’s instagram that is supposed to depict all the Crystal Gems’ gems.

It wasn’t about the sheet cake, it was about the closing point where she implied that just staying home was the right choice for everyone to make.

Right? Especially because it wasn’t an invalid bit: every young radical or activist goes through a point where they have to learn that taking a day off doesn’t make them a bad person. Self-care is a thing, and its okay if you spend a weekend unplugged doing some meaninglessly enjoyable bullshit.

Yeah. it’s almost like i like to see people whose work i admire own up to their shortcomings and strive to do better, or something.

Delete your account.

It’s almost like when people lampoon things they have personal experience with, it goes better.

Or you could go fuck yourself for being a disingenuous chump.

You sound outraged.

Go read a fucking book, dipshit.

No, because, as she points out, it was fully filmed and completed before the election.

You mean the Afghanistan who was our #1 partner and very good buddy in the fight against communism?

You… think this is somehow a defense?

Hey look, fucking human garbage again.

Everyone is terrified of “President Pence”, but i’d like to remind y’all that a), that dude is a sucking charisma void who could never hold trump’s bizarre coalition of spiteful assholes together, and b), there was never a President Agnew.

Also there’s absolutely no chance that the actions of America and other western nations have any bearing whatsoever on the conditions of those nations, right?

Hey look, it’s a piece of human garbage.