Communist Porn Star

I feel like we need to talk about the ending where Ned basically starts preaching to a captive audience in a school. Never mind that it instantly reminds us of a far better episode (back when flanders was a sympathetic character whose religiosity was only used to amp up his mister rogers style uber wholesomeness. Hell

Stray Observations:

Oh please. Comparing a single women’s only screening of Wonder Woman to the horrors of antisemitism is the dictionary definition of ridiculous. This shit is not the same thing as decades upon decades of white male domination and discrimination against women and people of color. The intention behind this and the context

I was so utterly disgusted by the white gloves that I did everything in my power to break them utterly, and killed everyone downstairs with no remorse. That was a lot of fun.

Now playing

I cannot say enough good things about KSP. It took concepts that I struggled with in school and turned gave me an almost effortless intuition about them — all while being a blast*.

Want to know what treasures are in this dungeon? Check PlayOnline!

Yeah, and this was the same period of time in which they discussed investing millions in developing Aki’s hair for The Spirits Within and then reviews joked “maybe should spend more of that on the screenplay next time.” It was a golden era of many achievements for Squaresoft, but it wasn’t without its hiccups, to be

Pam is always the best! And my favorite moment was Lana getting all “oh my, you’re surprisingly strong” when Pam caught her. Just remember....EVERYONE slept with Pam at one point or another.

I used a guide the second time and I remember it was a right rigmarole getting all the horoscope medallions, or whatever they’re called.

“This guy gets it.”

“You will kill zero skeletons, loot zero chests, upgrade zero pieces of equipment.”

Barry is fine. It’s Other Barry I can’t stand.

Episode I Racer is definitely on my list of things to consider this week. Lots of good memories attached to it, including races of attrition cranking the speeds up over 2,000 mph.

Counterpoint: Showing “Man From Jupiter” is never a mistake.

It was deeply satisfying to watch Pam lay Archer out. Usually when called out on his behavior he is allowed to respond with a shrug, an “I mean...” and a half formed joke. Pam’s punch was the collective release of 8 seasons of tensions. The fart was just icing. Funny, funny icing.

As a lover of all things hazelnut and chocolate, I was pleased that Ray saved his most outraged tones for “noisette”. That’s the loss that would have sent me over the edge.

Yeah, no more dog heads getting snapped off...(hopefully no more Barry) more downbeat endings...

Pam is enormous this season and I am into it.

When the Cheryl and the Brown spiral cene appeared, my first thought was, “Good Lord! They’ve really gone dark!. There’s no way to bring back the character to a normal interaction with the others after this.”

I wasn’t sure about Lucky Yates as a talking bird but I gotta admit it’s working for me.