Communist Porn Star

*horse stealing intensifies*

The first thing this topic made me think of? Brak, on 1998's Space Ghost’s Surf N’ Turf, on the sequential tracks Front Door/Backside and Brak Can’t Stop Laughing. The first track is a bizarrely straight little piece of country misery, but the second track is the exact same song, but catches Andy Merrill with a case

Another repeat offender - Missy Elliot.

Tesla did go pretty crazy, then fall from grace, mismanaged his money and died poor in a hotel. There could still be more.

But he’s the President!

You know, it’s never too late (or too soon) for Kanye to shut the fuck up.

Sorry, Kanye. If you’re anything at all like Nikola Tesla, you’re the part of him who married a pigeon.

I’ve never seen something so baffling and misguided that it ended up being a show for no one.

I find your comment calling this program really self-important and pretentious - really self-important and pretentious.

I am so looking forward to the rain of shit that’s gonna come down on this show.

I don’t think Weinstein’s lawyers are going to want to see Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh testifying in open court about this. They have high credibility and no apparent reason to lie, and they’re 100% on Judd’s side as far as I can tell.

Good for you, not waiting for common sense to kick in and make you realize “oh, this is a fake story from a book full of fake stories by a comedian”.

Keep it up. And hey, if someone tries to point out to you that the door you’re trying to push open has a sign on it that says “pull”, you just go ahead and ignore them!

Such quaint times, the early-2000s. Yet another tantalizing perversion rendered humdrum by Pornhub & Chaturbate.

If this doesn’t sound funny, just pretend it’s the god blogger Matt Walsh.

Just when it seemed Facebook couldn’t be any more toxic they pull this. Bravo. They would probably get into the on-line funeral home business if they weren’t afraid to find out 5% of there users are dead.

I wonder how many acting careers that bloated pusbag ruined in order to satsify his piggly-dick ego. 

If you needed a green alien to play a TV dad, you could have just hired Piccolo. #CISM

Jessica Jones: *drinks*

Luke Cage: (flatly) “Oh no. Iron Fist just disintegrated into nothingness.”

Can we just get a show with H. John Benjamin talking to inanimate objects please.