Communist Porn Star

Well it can, but it requires a pupil with a natural aptitude of no mean order.

Only if it’s you, personally, being enslaved.

Yes, you brave man, standing up for the rights of people who aren’t oppressed.

Nah. How about you shut the fuck up and continue shitting your opinions down your pants leg where they’re welcome?

Irregardless of what you’re saying here, I feel pretty comfortable calling you a loser and creep.


Lol go fall into a pit and rot there.

How about you die, instead?

Go fuck yourself forever in a pit.

Hey look, a piece of human garbage.

Hey look, it’s a giant piece of shit.

Go jump into a pit and die.

You’d think a thief would have lockpicks or a bolt-cutter though.

Seriously. The callousness of some of the commenters here towards what children are going to think about what is basically a children’s movie is fucking galling.

Yeah!! How dare people be emotionally invested in a movie!

Hey, look, it’s human garbage.

He’s a pathetic bootlicking Trump apologist, desperately trying to say it would be immoral to hold trump accountable to the law because when the republicans have done it to democratic presidents in the past it was always in bad faith.

No it isn’t.

Keep trying, loser.

Lol well it turns out that trump did, indeed, break several laws paying her off. Now what?